June 6, 2008 | BeautyStat.com

June 2008

Some products look cuter on TV than they do in real life. They make your heart strings go zing during those commercial breaks and make you want to rush out to the store and buy some for your grandma, your pet hamster,even your ex. Until you reach the checkout counter and realize you already have one of these sitting on your dusty shelf and you just spent $8 that you could have otherwise plonked down on 1.33 lattes from Starbucks. Unfortunately, Veet In-Shower Hair Removal Cream (www.veet.us) is one of them. I was excited to try it as much as I was excited to shove my wedding cake all over my husband's face; but although this hair remover does give you stubble-free skin for a few days, I felt I was much better off shaving.