November, 2010 | - Part 6

November 2010

“We are not about beauty at Dermalogica.” Annet King, the skincare company's Director of Global Information, announces this to the crowd assembled at the Soho Dermalogica store. I look around me in bewilderment at the shelves lined with product after product dedicated to...

We never get tired of talking politics in America, so as a tribute to the aftermath of the election, we're all over these beautiful red, white and blue finds. If you don't wear red or blue on our lapels, or as brooches or hair accessories, express...

When the temperatures dive to sub zero levels, everything in your body goes awry: your internal clock is messy as your room, your muscles become stiffer than cardboard, and your skin really loses its luster. So, here are five winter skincare tips to help you look...