October, 2011 | BeautyStat.com - Part 5

October 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness month is here, and BeautyStat has some suggestions as to where you can purchase products to help the cause. Sephora is giving back to the cause with pink editions of the Pop Up Hair Brush ($8), a neat sized travel brush for the...

Dr. Channing Barnett is a board certified Manhattan dermatologist who empathizes with her female patients who feel they are doing everything ‘right’ and still are unsatisfied with the appearance of their skin. What’s more, she often sees patients who feel they are doomed to bad...

The makers of America's number one acne system have just launched a new one step product called X Out (TM). Designed specifically for teens, X Out (TM)  is a new wash-in treatment that washes powerful breakout fighting medicine into pores to help kill the bacteria...