Product Ban: New Research Proves MicroBead Shower Gels/Washes Harmful To Health! Review - Surya Brasil Sapien Body Scrub |

Product Ban: New Research Proves MicroBead Shower Gels/Washes Harmful To Health! Review – Surya Brasil Sapien Body Scrub

Product Ban: New Research Proves MicroBead Shower Gels/Washes Harmful To Health! Review – Surya Brasil Sapien Body Scrub

sapien women gold

With the growing awareness of the harmful effects caused by microbeads found inside beauty products, states like New York and California are taking action by proposing a ban on the inclusion of plastic beads found in facial scrubs, toothpastes and more, according to The New York Times.

Deemed a threat to the environment and overall human health, these tiny particles find their way undetected into oceans, and are then consumed by aquatic marine life — therefore disrupting the natural food chain and encouraging these same toxins to spread to the human body.

Also contributing to the ocean’s larger plastic pollution problem, NPR finds that fish found in the Great Lakes area are feeling the effects of this problem firsthand, as recent research shows that fish are actually ingesting these particles!

By avoiding active ingredients such as polyethylene and polypropylene, consumers can take control by paying closer attention to the ingredients found in personal care products. Plus, with the help of informative and helpful technological apps, personal knowledge and awareness is right at your fingertips.

Beat the MicroBead App

Apps such as Beat the Microbead, allows you to simply scan the barcode of any desired product. The app then uses unique color-coding to detect microbeads found in any item. For example, if the app reads green, the product is free of microbeads. However, the app’s other color indicators determine if a product may contain microbeads (red) or if a company is proposing to adapt the product formula (which will then be indicated with an orange color).

For a guaranteed, microbead-free product you can trust, Surya Brasil has recently released the Sapien Women Body Scrub, containing natural ingredients such as coconut bark and organic buriti for a healthy-looking glow.

And even though it’s a slow but steady process, know that the bigger cosmetic conglomerates are willing to make the change. The Los Angeles Times reports that industry giants such as Procter & Gamble Co. and Johnson and Johnson are pledging to make a change in the coming years.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

How do you beauties feel about the ban on beads? Will you be changing some of your products?

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to follow us on our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat!

– Courtney Leiva | Follow Courtney on Twitter @CourtneyLeiva

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  • Cindi
    Posted at 16:44h, 01 March

    Thank goodness for this research and now we
    can change things!

  • Michele Green
    Posted at 20:41h, 10 June

    Thank you for this article! I live in IL, so I guess I can rest assured. I really should have known that microbeads are harmful. Thanks again!!

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