Review: LUSH Spa Opens In North America - Synesthesia Full-Body Massage Merges Your Five Senses |

Review: LUSH Spa Opens In North America – Synesthesia Full-Body Massage Merges Your Five Senses

Review: LUSH Spa Opens In North America – Synesthesia Full-Body Massage Merges Your Five Senses

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses

This is kind of sad to say (coming from a beauty editor and all)… but I’m a massage virgin. I’ve never been rubbed the right way (her-yuck!) before. But I was more than willing to lose my massage virginity to LUSH. I mean, who wouldn’t? Oh, that’s right! If you haven’t already heard, LUSH has opened their first North American spa in NYC and Philadelphia.

There are so many treatments to choose from — a full-body hot chocolate scrub to slough off winter’s layer of skin, or, instill inner confidence simply with a facial massage — the choices are endless. And the inviting English country house setting makes it nothing more than an aesthetically calming experience.

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses

I couldn’t help but try out the signature Synesthesia massage, an 80-minute full-body massage that merges each of your five senses. This is unlike any massage you’ve ever had before. You don’t simply have someone kneading your body like dough, where your “Ohs” and “Ahs” (in a bad way) are making you more tensed than relaxed. This massage takes you on a spiritual journey that is personalized to how you want to feel.

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses
First, I met my masseur, Rick, who explained to me how the massage works. First off, I was asked to choose a word from the chalkboard in front of me. You are given 11 different words to choose from based on how you would like to feel.

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses

Rick then gave me a small chalkboard to write the word of my choosing: Peace. Depending on the word you choose, the light in the treatment room will change (mine was purple), along with the music and essential oils used.

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses

They will then choose a corresponding massage bar fragrance that will evoke that feeling (and give you one to take home in the end). I also chose the essential oil “Go Do Without Stress” from a shelf that looked a lot like something from Alice In Wonderland. I wouldn’t of been surprised if I saw a charming little vile that said “Drink Me”.

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses
The music is something quite sensational. It’s not just ocean noises or an annoying cacophony of flutes, but a symphony of relaxation — taking you through a 24-hour day with the sounds of birds sprinkled throughout. The Synesthesia music was composed by Simon Emerson and recorded live by the Night Jar Orchestra exclusively for LUSH.

As I drifted off into my transcendental mediated state, I was instantly relaxed by the music and thought of happy and pleasing images of loved ones having fun in an English field. The massaging rhythm goes with the music as well, minding all the subtle crescendos and lulls. You really do experience somewhat of an inner-outer body experience. Rick even told me that some images people see while getting the massage can be so overwhelming and powerful that they start to cry. A good cry, of course!

review lush spa opens in north america synesthesia full body massage merges your five senses
Once the massage was over, I was given plenty of time to catch my thoughts and focus back in on reality. I was then welcomed back to the table with a cup of tea (composed of the same ingredients found in my massage bar) to help reinforce your desired state of mind.

If you are (or better yet, were) a massage virgin like me, then don’t worry about a thing if you choose LUSH. You’ll be in good hands.

If you’d like to learn more about the treatments offered and book an appointment, go to the LUSH Spa site HERE!

You can also purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

So, are any of you beauties massage virgins? Will you be trying out a treatment at the LUSH Spa?

Let us know by commenting below (you might win a free sample)! Make sure to check out our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat!

– Theresa Romano, Managing Editor | Follow Theresa on Twitter & Instagram @there_esa

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1 Comment
  • Amy
    Posted at 11:06h, 13 March

    I would love to win a massage from lush.
    Love all there Products!

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