B/A Photos, Review: How To Organize Your Beauty Product, Makeup Clutter With The Smart Tray - For More Bathroom Counter Space | BeautyStat.com

B/A Photos, Review: How To Organize Your Beauty Product, Makeup Clutter With The Smart Tray – For More Bathroom Counter Space

ba photos review how to organize your beauty product makeup clutter with the smart tray for more bathroom counter space

B/A Photos, Review: How To Organize Your Beauty Product, Makeup Clutter With The Smart Tray – For More Bathroom Counter Space

fold tray makeup ba photos review how to organize your beauty product makeup clutter with the smart tray for more bathroom counter space

I just love those late-night infomercials. You know the ones where women seem to be unlikely overwhelmed by a dirty bathroom, incredibly difficult to open tubberware and have an inability to cut an onion without taking off one of their fingers. Those are a little extreme when it comes to elaborating on common household problems. One issue we’re going to talk about today without seeming like a bunch of lunatics is extra space.

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Beauty junkies like us know what it’s like to store a bevy of cosmetics. The worst part is finding room to conduct our most meticulous beauty routines in the bathroom. I know this is going to sound like a T.V. spot (sorry not sorry), but there is a new item to help you organize all your clutter.


before basic tray ba photos review how to organize your beauty product makeup clutter with the smart tray for more bathroom counter space


fold tray makeup ba photos review how to organize your beauty product makeup clutter with the smart tray for more bathroom counter space

Introducing the ingenious Smart Tray, which fits over any counter space or sink to keep personal care and beauty items safely at hand, even with the water running! The convenient, portable and affordable foldout tray fits over most pedestal and traditional sinks to provide up to 288 square inches of additional counter space while also keeping bathroom electronics out of harm’s way.

But wait, there’s more! And in light of football season, this trusty invention was brought to you by product inventor and current NFL Pro/Tennessee Titan Bernard Pollard. Yeah, that’s right. A football player just solved your cosmetic storing debacle. He noticed the need for more room and space when getting ready in the bathroom, wherever you are, like a condo/apartment, hotel room, dorm room, etc.

“Multi-purpose and multifunctional, the Smart Tray makes everyone happy,” notes product inventor and current NFL Pro/Tennessee Titan Bernard Pollard. “Women love that they can keep more of their hair accessories, makeup and appliances at-hand and men love coming into a more organized, clutter-free bathroom where they can easily conduct their hygiene routine.”

This cleverly designed device allows users to get ready and conduct their hygiene routine without the usual mess, stress and safety risks. So novel and effective is the Smart Tray, Pollard executed an agreement with the Hospital Corporation of America, allowing the product to be used in over 175 hospitals nationwide.

The device also promotes safety by keeping electric appliances like blow dryers, curling and flat irons and shavers — and their cords — out of the sink and away from water hazards. Similar to a food tray, the Smart Tray even allows users to carry their items all together to and from the bathroom, making it easier to store and pack their essentials and make room for others to use the sink.

When not in use, the Smart Tray‘s collapsible design and drawstring bag allows it to be easily stored and transported. Also, it’s heat resistant and dishwasher safe, so standard personal care appliances will not burn the Smart Tray. The Smart Tray is available online for $39.99 in either a black or white at www.StylePro31.com.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site, www.BeautyStat.com!

Are you beauties looking to add more counter space for your bathroom beauty regimens?

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Theresa Romano, Managing Editor | Follow Theresa on Twitter & Instagram @there_esa

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