Review: 3 Tips To Get You To Start Juicing! How To Juice With The Best Veggies/Fruits, Blenders/Juicers And Recipes |

Review: 3 Tips To Get You To Start Juicing! How To Juice With The Best Veggies/Fruits, Blenders/Juicers And Recipes

Review: 3 Tips To Get You To Start Juicing! How To Juice With The Best Veggies/Fruits, Blenders/Juicers And Recipes

review 3 tips to get you to start juicing how to juice with the best veggiesfruits blendersjuicers and recipes

I’m a huge fan of juicing and making green smoothies. Juicing has become a big trend lately, and for good reason. Fresh fruit and veggie juices are rich in vitamins and enzymes. While you wouldn’t typically eat several pounds of veggies in a single day, with juicing, you’re able to get those nutrients in a liquid form that’s easy to digest and tastes great!

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I’ve been juicing since 2010, and it’s now a regular part of my everyday diet. If you’re a beauty girl like me, you’ll be happy to hear that juicing is also great for your skin, hair and nails because of all the revitalizing vitamins found in fruits and veggies. If you’re thinking about beginning your own juicing journey, here are 3 easy tips to help you get started.

green smoothie

My favorite green smoothie recipe: 1 whole zucchini, 2 green apples, a handful of spinach and a splash pineapple juice. Yum!

1. Start with smoothies. If you have a blender at home, you can certainly start your juicing journey by making green smoothies. Smoothies keep all of the pulp, so they’re thicker and more filling than drinking juice alone, which does not contain pulp. Smoothies are also a good way to get acclimated to the taste of drinking your veggies, helping you ease into the rhythm of juicing.

Review: 3 Tips To Get You To Start Juicing! How To Juice With The Best Veggies/Fruits, Blenders/Juicers And Recipes

2. Invest in a high-quality juicer. I started my juicing journey with an inexpensive juicer that I got on sale for only $60.00. At the time, I didn’t have experience with a high-quality juicer, and looking back on it, that machine was a big mess!  It took forever to clean, the motor was so loud and I did not get a lot of liquid for all the items I would juice. I eventually upgraded to a Breville Juice Fountain Plus, a centrifugal juicer, which I love and highly recommend. I also have an Omega 8006 Nutrition Center, a masticating juicer that is amazing, too.

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What’s the difference between a centrifugal and masticating juicer? A centrifugal juicer cuts up the fruit or vegetable with a blade that spins at a high speed to extract the juice. A masticating juicer squeezes the fruit or vegetable to press the juice out, which is a much slower process. As a result, more nutrients and enzymes are preserved in the juice. Centrifugal juicers tend to be less expensive, so they are great for anyone on a budget. But masticating juicers are ideal for anyone who wants to prepare juice for a couple days in advance, since the liquid will stay fresh longer.

review 3 tips to get you to start juicing how to juice with the best veggiesfruits blendersjuicers and recipes

3. Experiment with recipes.  There are so many ways to make great-tasting juice! Be open to trying new fruits or veggies, because you might be pleasantly surprised by a new concoction. One of my all-time favorite veggies to juice is zucchini, which I never would have thought I would like so much until I tried it. If you need more recipe inspiration, The Juice Generation by Eric Helms is a book I recommend as a resource. It has helpful tips on everything from juice storage tips to finding the best organic produce on a dime.

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It’s also important to have a generous portion of veggies, as opposed to only fruit, in your juices since fruits are high in sugar. Leafy veggies, such as kale, swiss chard or spinach, have a ton of nutrients, but they often don’t yield much juice. Cucumbers and zucchini are excellent for juicing because they have a high water content and yield a lot of juice. If you find that your green juice tastes “too green” (no one wants to drink grass!), fresh lemon juice is a lifesaver.  The tangy taste of lemons always helps cut that strong “green” taste, so you can drink your way beautiful and healthy.

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So, are you beauties going to get juicing? What veggies and fruits do you enjoy most?

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to check out our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat!

– Nicole Marie Melton | Follow Nicole on Twitter @NicoleMMelton

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  • Maribel
    Posted at 06:27h, 07 February

    I love juicing with my vitamix which it has been the best investment in a kitchen appliance I have ever purchased! I love using spinach in no matter what kind of juice, smoothly or protein shake I make. I like using frozen berries, pineapple and fresh bananas along with apples, sweet potatoes, raw Oates, cinnamon, Chia seeds, carrots, limes, agave syrup, etc! The list is endless making kids eat all their veggies is hard but this way I know my kids are getting all their daily recommended veggies and fruits. Thanks

  • Nicole Melton
    Posted at 14:40h, 12 February

    @Maribel, Thank you so much for your comment! Your recipes sound amazing! And you’re right, smoothies are a great way to make sure the kiddos are getting their veggies and fruits.

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