GIVEWAY: Before/After Photos: AVIVA Hair Revitalizer Advanced Hair Growth System - Drug-Free Supplements Stimulate Healthy Hair Growth: Sponsored |

GIVEWAY: Before/After Photos: AVIVA Hair Revitalizer Advanced Hair Growth System – Drug-Free Supplements Stimulate Healthy Hair Growth: Sponsored

GIVEWAY: Before/After Photos: AVIVA Hair Revitalizer Advanced Hair Growth System – Drug-Free Supplements Stimulate Healthy Hair Growth: Sponsored

giveway beforeafter photos aviva hair revitalizer advanced hair growth system drug free supplements stimulate healthy hair growth sponsored

Do you strive for longer, thicker, healthier hair? It’s no secret that healthy hair begins at the follicle, but do you find yourself trying everything to strengthen your strands with no luck? Did
you know that a staggering 50% of hair loss can occur before it’s significantly noticeable to the naked eye! Everyday environmental factors, diet and stress-related issues can contribute to hair thinning, loss of shine and strength – but AVIVA can help.

Unlike other hair supplements, AVIVA uses a proprietary dual complex of Pentaplex HGF and Tetra HHL that works with your hair’s natural cycle to stimulate healthy growth from within – up to 6mm beneath the scalp’s surface – enriching and enhancing stronger, thicker and more beautiful-looking hair.

Even if you aren’t experiencing any hair issues, AVIVA can help make your hair even more beautiful and healthy! Other beneficial ingredients include vitamin B5, folic  acid, vitamin H (biotin), silica, iron, zinc and iodine — all DRUG-FREE, all-natural, fish-free, gluten-free ingredients to help stabilize strong and healthy hair. AVIVA is made in the USA in a FDA-certified laboratory.

AVIVA is suitable for both men and women over the age of 18, and comes in a soft gel formula that is meant to be taken twice a day (one in the morning and at night) for 3-6 months for best results. Hair loss and thinning isn’t just caused by seasonal factors (and vitamin deficiency) but also nutrition, age, alopecia areata, traction alopecia and telogen effluvium.

To better understand how AVIVA works, BeautyStat’s very own SVP, Diane Rankin, has been on her AVIVA hair revitalizing journey for over 6 months now. Here is her story:

giveway beforeafter photos aviva hair revitalizer advanced hair growth system drug free supplements stimulate healthy hair growth sponsored


“I had a lot of hair loss due to a hormone in-balance from endometriosis, as well as everyday
stress triggers in my life. Also, I am a heavy flatiron user (guilty!).”


(Left: Diane one year ago; Right: 7 weeks in and noticing less shedding/fallout. Also starting to see new hair growth along hairline!)

giveway beforeafter photos aviva hair revitalizer advanced hair growth system drug free supplements stimulate healthy hair growth sponsored“I was at my whits’ end, trying everything that was on the market, from other leading supplements — which caused annoying allergic reactions from the fish ingredients (I even had to take an allergy medication to offset my fish allergy) — to even topical products that included drugs like Minoxidil (I got full-on hives all over my neck and body!). All in all, nothing seemed to work for me… until I gave AVIVA a try.”

(Left: Diane 3.5 months in! New hair growth; nails are growing stronger and skin looks better at this
stage. Bonus!)

giveway beforeafter photos aviva hair revitalizer advanced hair growth system drug free supplements stimulate healthy hair growth sponsored


“The easy-to-swallow, super-cute pink soft gels didn’t upset my stomach. Packaged like a beauty product, it should be considered as part of any woman’s ongoing beauty regimen. ‘Happiness is the Best Haircare’ — and I’m living proof.” — Diane Rankin, BeautyStat SVP.


(Left: 5 months in and this was the first time I was able to style/curl my hair! It was too thin before; Right: Money shot! 5 months in and longer, stronger hair at last!)

diane 6 months later aviva

“Never before has my ponytail been so thick nor healthy. And… literally the last two manicurists have said to me that I have really great, healthy nails. I have never received a nail compliment before in my life!” (Left: Before Diane’s AVIVA journey, a thin, not-so-healthy ponytail; Right: 6 months later, long and strong!)

As AVIVA rejuvenates and improves the health of your hair follicles deep below the surface, it revitalizes the hair’s DNA. Working with your natural hair growth cycle, AVIVA helps support the hair structure and encourages new, emerging hair — improving the gorgeous hair you always had! It just needs a little help along the way — and AVIVA is there.

GIVEAWAY —> If you’re experiencing similar types of hair loss mentioned, then you’re in luck! BeautyStat is giving away 10 AVIVA Hair Revitalizer 60-Day Supply supplements to 10 winners! All you have to do to be eligible to win is SHARE this giveaway on Twitter using #AVIVAHair.

***************WINNERS ALERT: Congratulations to Maribel, Jamie B, Leah, Sheila, AnneMarie, Terri – we just contacted you to let you know that you won!  If you did not win, be sure to take advantage of the special AVIVA discount offer below.

DISCOUNT —> Use code AVIVAbstat14 to receive a 20% discount and FREE shipping on all AVIVA products at

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  • Annamarie Dodge
    Posted at 11:54h, 05 April

    it isnt fair that this is only available if you share on twitter, not everyone uses twitter…

  • Sheila W.
    Posted at 18:37h, 05 April

    I’m losing my mind and my hair is driving me nutz menopause is the worst. I lost sections of my hair because I had to take meds and I’m going through menopause at the same time. If it had just been the meds my hair would have bounced back but, the two things together AAARRRGGGG!!!! Every symptom that I was warned about I never got. I I got was mood swings and, slow hair growth. If this will help jump start my hair because I tried the other so called hair vitamin supplement to boost my hair that contained fish and nada. So, I’m willing to give this a try. So, I really need to win this! Bald spots are not a good look on a woman

  • Leah Allen
    Posted at 20:43h, 05 April

    My hair really needs this product. I lose hair every day. I need it to be strengthened and to grow.

  • Terri
    Posted at 20:51h, 05 April

    I need all the help I can get!

  • Jamie B
    Posted at 22:04h, 06 April

    Thank You SO MUCH for this giveaway! Would LOVE to try Aviva Hair!!!!!!!!!

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