Beauty Bloggers Doing Good: Donating to PERC |

Beauty Bloggers Doing Good: Donating to PERC

Beauty Bloggers Doing Good: Donating to PERC

This Thanksgiving, we’re part of a network of a few awesome Beauty Bloggers who felt the need to give back to the community.

The rules were simple. First, find an empty box.

Second, fill said box with beauty goodies so that they overflow like champagne fizz:

Third: seal the box. We took the liberty of writing a message on a card.

Step Four: donate said box to the victims of Domestic Violence and abuse at the nearest shelter. was able to donate it to PERC, the Palisades Emergency Residence Corporation, a shelter that provides boarding and lodging for people who are in real need. We were able to specify that the items go directly to the victims of Domestic Violence and abuse.

It was such a moving experience to see how the box was received by Miriam, who supervises such programs. She loved the donations and said that we were definitely filling a need. In the box, I made sure there were luxe versions of necessary daily perishables including Burt’s Bees Toothpaste, and some of my all-time favorite soap bars from India (Mysore Sandalwood Soap).

As a beauty blogger, I am grateful every single day for the incredible bounty I receive. I am so grateful for this opportunity to make some else’s life better. Thank you, Shannon, and other bloggers, for organizing this initiative, and for participating:

A Girl’s Gotta Spa!
Beautiful Makeup Search
Beauty Blogging Junkie
Beauty Junkies Unite
Mischo Beauty
Product Girl
Retrodiva’s Beauty
The Product Pasha

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

– Charu Suri

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  • BeautyXchange
    Posted at 04:43h, 25 November

    Giving back is always a beautiful thing to do – nicely done! I’m sure those women are grateful.

  • A Girl's Gotta Spa!
    Posted at 15:13h, 26 November

    Thanks for being a part of this Charu! xx

  • Charu
    Posted at 20:07h, 28 November

    Thanks so much for organizing this, Shannon! xx

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