Beauty News: Every COVERGIRL #GirlsCan Mascara Purchase Will Donate Beauty News: Every COVERGIRL #GirlsCan Mascara Purchase Will Donate $1 To Individuals And Non-Profit Organizations To Individuals And Non-Profit Organizations |

Beauty News: Every COVERGIRL #GirlsCan Mascara Purchase Will Donate $1 To Individuals And Non-Profit Organizations

beauty news every covergirl girlscan mascara purchase will donate $1 to individuals and non profit organizations

Beauty News: Every COVERGIRL #GirlsCan Mascara Purchase Will Donate $1 To Individuals And Non-Profit Organizations

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Did you know that today, women represent just 12% of all computer science graduates? In 1984, they represented 37%. Did you also know that women are less likely to perceive they have the capability to start a business, and statistics consistently show that women earn less than men across many industries?

COVERGIRL Announces Girls Can Campaign With Journalist, Soledad O’Brien — Turn Your ‘Cant’s’ Into ‘Cans’

· Step Up: Step Up implements after-school and weekend mentorship programs in under-resources communities, empowering teen girls to be college-bound and career-focused.

· Girls Who Code: Girls Who Code is leading the movement to inspire, educate and equip young woman with the computing skills to close the gender gap in technology.

· Soledad O’Brien & Brad Raymond Starfish Foundation: The Starfish Foundation helps young women get to and through college by providing financial assistance, mentoring and wraparound support to help them achieve their full potential.

· Dress for Success: Dress for Success provides professional attire, a network of support and career development tools for disadvantaged women.

Join the conversation so we can shine a light on these issues and continue to make a difference together! Tell us how you turned your can’t into a can at or by using hashtag #GirlsCan and tagging @COVERGIRL.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

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