Best Makeup Trends 2014, 2015: Review, Swatches, Photos: Hourglass Mechanical Gel Eyeliner 1.5MM |

Best Makeup Trends 2014, 2015: Review, Swatches, Photos: Hourglass Mechanical Gel Eyeliner 1.5MM

best makeup trends 2014 2015 review photos hourglass mechanical gel eyeliner 15mm

Best Makeup Trends 2014, 2015: Review, Swatches, Photos: Hourglass Mechanical Gel Eyeliner 1.5MM

Best Makeup Trends 2014, 2015: Review, Swatches, Photos: Hourglass Mechanical Gel Eyeliner 1.5MM

OMG! Ladies, throw out your gel liner pots and brushes! Hourglass is here to save the day! Carisa Janes has one-upped the rest of the eyeliners in the land. Introducing, Hourglass Mechanical Gel Eyeliner 1.5MM. This is by far the easiest, cleanest gel liner I have EVER worked with! This extremely thin (1.5MM to be exact) gel liner creates the most precise, where you want it. It is also water-proof, so, bridal makeup artists, make sure you stock up!

best makeup trends 2014 2015 review photos hourglass mechanical gel eyeliner 15mm best makeup trends 2014 2015 review swatches photos hourglass mechanical gel eyeliner 15mm

Benefit They’re Real! Push-Up Liner, Mascara, Remover – The First/Best Gel Liner Pen!

I never want to be without this product. It’s that amazing! It comes packaged in a set of 3 liners. Why you ask? Any of you who work(ed) at a makeup counter know of customers complaining that their liner pots dry out (we all know it’s because they don’t properly close it, but that’s another story). Well, this will alleviate that problem. This is a mechanical pencil that swivels upwards; it does not go back down, so you use exactly what you need. Each of the 3 pens are designed to give you 18-20 uses. Two clicks is all you need! So you always get a fresh application. How amazing is that?

New Hourglass Extreme Sheen High Shine LipGloss, Panoramic Lip Liner Colors!

I am excited to see what else Hourglass comes up with this year. If you are a lover of eyeliner, then you must own this product!

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

Will you beauties achieve the most perfect eye application ever with this gel liner pen? Or are will you always be a fan of the potted liner?

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to check out our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat! #bstat

– Erin Sutera, Senior Editor & Makeup Artist | Follow Erin on Twitter @erinlee24

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1 Comment
  • soso
    Posted at 14:01h, 16 August

    Definitely potted I have very deep set eyes and to make a proper cat-eye or really any line that goes beyond the optical orb.I have to have a control of a brush and paint, not a stick that I can only hope has a fine point. Nope, I’m a pot girl. Seriously.

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