Breaking Beauty News: High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher Fired For Modeling Photos - Tiffany Webb |

Breaking Beauty News: High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher Fired For Modeling Photos – Tiffany Webb

Breaking Beauty News: High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher Fired For Modeling Photos – Tiffany Webb

breaking beauty news high school guidance counselorteacher fired for modeling photos tiffany webb

Hot for teacher! Do you ever think that certain photos you take/took could come back to haunt and you, and possibly jeopardize your career? That’s exactly what happened to a Manhattan school guidance counselor. The NYPost reported yesterday that Tiffany Webb, who worked at the Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers, was fired after twelve years from the Department of Education (DOE). Photos of Webb (at the ages of 18-20) surfaced on the internet, specifically on “sleazy” sites such as Mo Girls Entertainment and Showgirlz Exclusive, where Webb is found scantily clad wearing lingerie. Webb claims that the pictures were even photoshopped, and that she quit being a model way before she started her career in education.

breaking beauty news high school guidance counselorteacher fired for modeling photos tiffany webb

Photo Courtesy of

This isn’t the first time Webb’s photos have caused her trouble. The DOE has brought up her photos to council three times, even though Webb disclosed information about her modeling past from the get-go. Since being let go from her job last December for “conduct unbecoming” Webb had this to say to the NYPost about her role as a counselor regardless of her past, “I am a dedicated professional and enjoyed being a guidance counselor. I did my job well, and my students and parents thought very highly of me. I would love to return to the DOE and resume the career I have chosen to help and guide students.”

breaking beauty news high school guidance counselorteacher fired for modeling photos tiffany webb

Photo of Tiffany Webb Courtesy of NYPost

Webb is now teaching in New Jersey and has changed her name, but is suing the DOE for charging her with wrongful termination, sex discrimination and violation of her First Amendment rights. What do you lovely readers think of this? Being fired regardless of one’s current performance for something as simple as modeling photos? This story reminded us a lot of Debrahlee Lorenzana who was fired from her job at Citibank for being “too hot” that BeautyStat covered a few years back.

Is this an issue nowadays that women have to worry about? Should women be careful about what they do with their bodies? Whether it be how they dress or look in the workforce, or taking modeling photos to pay the bills? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Theresa Romano

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  • queenielizzie
    Posted at 17:45h, 08 October

    This is ridiculous. The DOE should be worried about teachers who aren’t doing their jobs, not what pictures a young lady took in the past. The whole case just reeks of sexism.

  • Joanna
    Posted at 18:55h, 08 October

    Totally ridiculous. There are way more serious issues than this to deal with.

  • Sheena Eaton
    Posted at 05:49h, 10 October

    First of all, this woman is absolutely breathtaking in every way! Although she has a beautiful face and body, she enjoys helping and guiding her students and sounds like a genuine person. And from what I read, she did a damn good job at doing so. It is horrible that we live in a world where it always seems as if someone is out to get you. Why can’t we be happy with who we are and happy for other people who inspire and give meaning to and strive tp do good things? I don’t feel as is pictures from when someone is 18-20 should affect someones current position and there honestly is nothing wrong with the photos that she took. Woman have the option to take care of themselves and take pride in their appearance, and they also have the option not to. And everyday we see woman who choose to do both and a job position should not be decided upon it! I hope she wins her lawsuit and lives a prosperous and happy life!

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