Clinique Debuts High Lengths Mascara |

Clinique Debuts High Lengths Mascara

Clinique Debuts High Lengths Mascara

There’s a never ending sea of mascaras out there: and finding the perfect, uncompromising one is about as hard as finding a man who will love you unconditionally. We know, dolls, we know.

I’ve recently fallen into a colored mascara craze. The garnets, greens, purples all remind me of the color of popsicles on a humid summer day, and even though my lashes are blacker than coal, a coat of primer helps the color stand out.

clinique high lengths mascara

But now i find myself being fascinated with Clinique’s latest innovation from the Lash Length Department – which, I suspect, is super busy since last year (they’ve been producing mascaras like they’re going out of fashion).

The High Lengths Mascara is Clinique’s most lengthening and lifting mascara yet – or so they claim. It stretches lashes to unrivaled lengths with precise, almost comb-like separation.

The want itself is new, and “willow” shaped. The purpose of this applicator is to follow the natural curvature of the eyes and a fine toothed comb grabs each lash at the root and takes it to another level. Even the tiniest children of lashes get coated with mascara and fattened (and nope, this is not a story like Hansel & Gretel).

The “smart” wand features a green comb applicator (I ADORE the color!) which has one usable side composed of three rows of tines that are coated with just the right amount of product – always! Honestly, I hate it when goops of mascara end up clumping the applicator and my eyes look more like a raccoon’s and less like Marillon Cotillard’s.

This retails for $14 at Bloomingdales now, and will hit Clinique counters in February 2010.



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