Crayola Cool: Clinique's New Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Color Balms - Product Review & Swatches |

Crayola Cool: Clinique’s New Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Color Balms – Product Review

Crayola Cool: Clinique’s New Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Color Balms – Product Review

We’re always in the market for a new balm, especially ones that tint and moisturize (multi-tasking is good thing). So, we’ve had our eye on the newly revamped Clinique Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Color Balms ever since they came out this month.

There are eight tints in all, and they look so much like crayolas that the childhood instinct is to create miniature graffiti-like works of art with them. Just look at them:

clinique chubby stick

They tips are a fattened version of the felt-tip pen tip (which is where I suspect the name Chubby Stick came from, who knows?) and the overall look and feel of the balm is so modern luxe.

These chubby sticks are a flash from the the past, if you remember the ones used in the 1990’s. Clinique discontinued it, and people still clamored for the emollient formulation which is one reason (we suspect), they’ve relaunched this product.

The old one really put a crimp in your style (you had to sharpen it with a sharpener–anyone have fond memories?), but this newly revamped version is about as sleek as your new iPad and iPhone. Okay, fine, your Android.

These new chubby sticks feature a swivel up design and feature cheery, mouthwatering, harbinger of summer shades, like Super Strawberry and Chunky Cherry.

At $15 a pop, you can afford to stock up, just in case Santa forgot your pucker presents. We predict a classic. Online at or at counters nationwide.

Charu Suri

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1 Comment
  • Brooke
    Posted at 01:24h, 10 January

    I think their packaging nailed it on the ‘playful-whimsy’ that childhood evokes. Haven’t seen them in the stores yet…they would have made a great stocking stuffer…ah, next year.

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