Engendered: Woman Fired For Being Too Hot | BeautyStat.com

Engendered: Woman Fired For Being Too Hot

Engendered: Woman Fired For Being Too Hot

A recent New York Post article this morning caught our attention. A woman from Citibank was fired for being too hot (or so she claims). To quote the article, “Debrahlee Lorenzana said she was dressing professionally, but her male bosses and co-workers still found her too hot be around their cold cash.”

This is not the only incidence when women have been fired without cause based on their appearance. In this case, Lorenzana was too sexy. In June 2009, ten Air India hostesses were fired for being too fat to fly. When will it end?

But there have been studies (by Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle) that have shown than women who wear makeup are more likely to get ahead in their career than those who don’t. According to those who were interviewed, plain people earn less than average looking people who earn less than good looking people.

Many women have resorted to cosmetic surgery and dressing to the nines for the job they want (or have), and in today’s rocky road economy, women need every piece of ammunition they can get to land the job of their dreams, even if it means wearing that coral lipstick.

Tell us, do you think makeup and style makes you get ahead in your career?

– Charu Suri



  • Darlene
    Posted at 20:16h, 04 June


    I have worked in offices for over 20 years and most people know that an attractive women gets attention from both men and women in the office. Men usually appreciate her and can get ridiculous and women hate her and can get ridiculous. It all boils down to attention and jealousy and it is a tiring old song and dance and, it is how men and women interact. People love to spurn and provoke and get a laugh out of it. Like you hear a million times, it is all high school. Like a lot of women, this women is also an attractive women in the office and some people create problems for someone and some create problems for themselves. It would be nice to know that this woman knows she is attractive and is smart about it. We will probably learn more later. I hope it isn’t the same story where she is not smart about it and is going to be embarrassingly discredited.

    Posted at 20:30h, 04 June

    I do think make up and style gets a woman ahead in her career!
    Who would not want to look their best in the work place anyway?
    I don’t understand how someone can be fired for being “too sexy”.
    The pics posted show beautiful, classy women.
    I think “too sexy” would be lots of cleavage and short skirts, you know… very unprofessional.
    Honestly, I would be more prone to hiring a woman dressed in a nice dress, or pant suit with some heels, and light make up, than someone in plain jane clothes with no make up.
    Just me though! ♥

  • Simone
    Posted at 04:51h, 05 June

    There are a few issues/questions going on here.

    First the woman who was fired for being too hot. As shown in the photo, although sexy, she looks appropriately dressed for work. But who knows what she wears the other days? She big busted, perhaps she wears low V-necks and bends over in front of co-workers to show them off? Can’t say, don’t know. I’m not taking the side of her employer, I’m just saying you can’t judge by this by seeing one pic of her.

    Second: Do attractive people get ahead and make more money? Absolutely! But it’s just as bad for men as it is for women. Ever see a male CEO who’s short and fat? Only if he started the company! Look at the big corporations, top male management must be tall and of medium build.
    Yes, women who wear makeup get ahead. Fair or not fair? Not fair, but at least it’s easy to fix! Try telling a man to grow taller!

  • Annabella Freeman
    Posted at 09:48h, 05 June

    My workplace in the UK is very casual and having a more made up appearance would just look odd but it’s because of the sector I work in Voluntary/Non-profit. The people we see on a day to day basis would be intimidated by power suits, heels, and heavy make-up.

    I think people should be aware of the workplace they are in; the corporate world expects you to look smart, if you work on a farm they expect you to be in wellies! Let’s not assume that everyone works in a corporate office environment.

    It will interesting to see if this woman makes a case against her employer!

  • Simone
    Posted at 06:16h, 18 June

    This dumbell has had two breast enhancement surgery’s. She’s very tiny, and wants breasts like Dolly Parton. Even her plastic surgeon wouldn’t make her as large as she wants.
    She says she wants breasts like this to stand out in a crowd, and attract men.
    Watch her video, hear her speak. Maybe she got fired because she’s simply stupid?

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