Five Quick Tips to Organize Your Beauty Lifestyle, By Barbara Reich |

Five Quick Tips to Organize Your Beauty Lifestyle, By Barbara Reich

Five Quick Tips to Organize Your Beauty Lifestyle, By Barbara Reich

Once you get to know Barbara Reich, you won’t imagine your life without her.

A Professional Organizer, Reich is CEO of her company, Resourceful Consultants, and loves to declutter people’s closets — and lives. She formed her company in 1999 after she discovered that despite all her years as a management consultant, her true calling was to pare down excess clutter in peoples’ lives. Her idea is to streamline overbooked days and improve the quality of living.

Below is a Before and After set of pictures of rooms Reich transformed in less than a single day — in a matter of hours, in fact. There were so many odds and ends that she just ended up getting rid of. Now, imagine if you were to apply Barbara’s philosophy to your makeup….what would you keep and what would you get rid of? And how would you even go about this process?


barbara reich before bedroom

barbara reich before bedroom

Before Barbara’s Organizational Magic

barbara reich after bedroom

barbara reich after bedroom

After a Barbara Reich Organization: In a single day

Barbara’s Organization Tips

1) Make a list of exactly everything that you need and never buy without a plan;

2) Have a master calendar. Every family needs to have one place where all activities and events for that house are listed. Keep it up to date (this includes your beauty shopping routine too!);

3)  Have “go-to” gifts. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel each time you need a gift. Have gifts on hand that you give whenever you’re invited somewhere. Gift cards are great because they can be used in any amount, for any occasion, and for any age. And, they won’t clutter your house or anyone else’s house.

4) Clutter will expand to the space allotted to it. Instead of focusing on how much more space you need, consider how much more space you’ll have if you discard the gifts you’ll never use, the clothes that no longer fit, and the toys that are collecting dust.

5) When packing for a vacation, consider shipping toiletries to your destination one week in advance through an online drugstore such as If you order enough items, you may even qualify for free shipping.

Now, do YOU have any tips on how to declutter your makeup and beauty closet? Share them with us in the comments section below. For some organization ideas, including our picks on cosmetic bags and train cases, click here

Charu Suri

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  • Elizabeth
    Posted at 16:47h, 11 August

    Great tips thank you!!!

    Posted at 17:42h, 11 August

    My tips on how to declutter is not to clutter from the start, do it little bit every day you wont have to go through cleaning

  • Scott
    Posted at 14:17h, 14 August

    I am trying to go by a one year rule. If I have not used or worn an item in one year, I donate or try to sell it. I find I have things for this master plan day in the future ,but it never comes about.

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