Jane Iredale’s Makeup Bag Contest: Win $1000 | BeautyStat.com

Jane Iredale’s Makeup Bag Contest: Win $1000

Jane Iredale’s Makeup Bag Contest: Win $1000

Have you ever looked at the contents of your makeup bag and just . . . despaired? Lip gloss from 10th grade, a blush you used once with disatrous results, and your former favorite concealer that you just haven’t bothered to throw out? Jane Iredale wants to know what you’d choose if you had $1000 to set yourself up with a completely new cosmetic arsenal.

jane iredale chocoholics

The six-week competition starts October 5th here. (remember, the link will only work on October 5th for six weeks). You simply create your virtual ideal make-up bag out of Iredale’s vast collection and post your reason for wanting a new makeup bag, be it video, photo montage, or essay. Then make sure to link your entry to your Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter sites. The more exposure your entry gets, the more web users vote on it, the more attention it gets from the decision makers at Jane Iredale – you get the idea.

The winner, chosen by Ms. Iredale herself, gets her virtual make-up bag brought into reality and a trip to NYC, where Iredale will personally do the make-up for the lucky winner. And since six weeks is a long time, the company has created a weekly scavenger hunt where web users track down codes placed on each of the Jane Iredale social media sites – each week a user, who delivers all the correct codes, will win a smaller stash of make-up.



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