MAC Love Lace Collection Lipstick, Lipglass, Nail Lacquer watches |

MAC Love Lace Collection Lipstick, Lipglass, Nail Lacquer watches

MAC Love Lace Collection Lipstick, Lipglass, Nail Lacquer watches

My love affair with lace started early in life. Growing up, my mom who is a talented seamstress, custom made all of my special occasion dresses to my specifications – and each dress had a bit of lace at my request. There was the communion dress with a lace skirt and matching bag. The green satin dress with white polka dots and lace bib (please forgive me for this creation – Laura Ingalls wore a version on Little House on the Prairie except she passed on the polka dots and green satin). And of course, I can’t forget the pink satin dress with the asymmetrical skirt and lace top overlay. Lace played a small part in many of my childhood memories.

I’m not alone in my love of lace – designers throughout time have been fascinated with the intricate fabric and countless beauties have worn lace for their most special occasions. As much as I love lace I don’t get to wear the lovely fabric very often – seeing as I’m not exactly a red carpet regular and all. Now I can be a little closer to lace with the new LOVE LACE collection from MAC. MAC has channeled the universal love of lace into a new collection that celebrates its mysterious and alluring qualities. Here are our favorites from this collection:

mac love lace intricate lipstick

Lipstick in Intricate – a frosted cool icy taupe $14.00

mac love lace lipglass in utterly discreet

Lipglass in Utterly Discrete – sheer frosted cool icy mauve $14.00

mac love lace mac hypnotizing with studio fix lash mascara

Eyeshadow in Hypnotizing – frosted grey mauve $14.50

mac love lace light affair nail lacquer

Nail Lacquer in Light Affair- creamy pale grey taupe $12.00

– Catia Carvalho Trooskin



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