Makeup Beauty Trend 2013: Mink Sable Fur Eyelash Extensions - Controversial |

Makeup Beauty Trend 2013: Mink Sable Fur Eyelash Extensions – Controversial

Makeup Beauty Trend 2013: Mink Sable Fur Eyelash Extensions – Controversial

makeup beauty trend 2013 mink sable fur eyelash extensions controversial

Photo Courtesy of

We all know fur coats are controversial, but how about having exotic animal fur on your lashes? The latest beauty trend to hit the scene are mink-fur eyelash extensions. False lashes made their debut back in the 1920s, and were made using synthetic fibers. Then came eyelash extensions, both permanent and semi-permanent, which were and still are applied using eyelash adhesives.

What makes mink-fur eyelash extensions so popular is its effect: a lush, velvet-like appearance, as explained by the Boudoir Lash Bar. Celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Madonna and Heidi Klum rave about the mink-fur extensions looking natural and offering up a come-hither, doe-eyed look.

Made with 100% Siberian mink fur, these lashes from Boudoir Lash Bar in Australia are stated as being cruelty-free. They claim that no minks are harmed in extracting the fur — they are “gently” brushed and collect the hair in that manner.

makeup beauty trend 2013 mink sable fur eyelash extensions controversial

Kim Kardasian wearing mink-fur eyelash extensions; photo courtesy of

This beauty trend is not only controversial for its expensive price tag ($500 an application session), but, animal rights activists and PETA are suspicious about the way the mink fur is collected.

The mink itself is an aggressive animal, so “gently” combing their hair is an unlikely ordeal. A spokesperson from PETA told that the minks are most likely found on mink farms and are treated and raised to be slaughtered. Even Jersey Shore star Snooki received backlash from selling mink eyelashes on her site and was asked by PETA to take them down.

Mercy for Animals, a nonprofit organization from Chicago, said, “There is a misconception that ranch-raised fur is ‘humane.’ Unfortunately, there is nothing humane about depriving these animals from their behavioral and physiological needs. Fur-farming is nothing more than institutionalized torture.”

As much as the mink-fur eyelash extensions are a beauty statement, they have undeniably become an animal rights issue as well.

What do you ladies think about this mink-fur eyelash extension beauty trend and its controversy? Is there such a thing as a humane way of extracting mink fur? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Theresa Romano

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