Makeup Review, Swatches: INGLOT Double Sparkle Rainbow Eyeshadows In Freedom System Palette |

Makeup Review, Swatches: INGLOT Double Sparkle Rainbow Eyeshadows In Freedom System Palette

Makeup Review, Swatches: INGLOT Double Sparkle Rainbow Eyeshadows In Freedom System Palette

makeup review swatches inglot double sparkle rainbow eyeshadows in freedom system palette

As I walk past the INGLOT store near Times Square, I am always intrigued by the set-up and the colors. However, I am usually in a rush, running to catch my bus back to Jersey. Well, I came home the other day and was greeted by a package by none other than INGLOT. I eagerly opened the package and found a beautiful palette of eyeshadows in all different shades.

makeup review swatches inglot double sparkle rainbow eyeshadows in freedom system palette

First thing that struck me was the packaging: I loved how it felt steady in my hand, and I LOVED the magnetic cover to protect the shadows. INGLOT is in fact known for their Freedom system, a unique method of arranging eyeshadows, blushes, lipsticks and concealers in these magnetic cases that can be freely designed. Definitely a big plus if you are working a wedding, on set, etc. to create less bulk and make it easy to use and pack.

makeup review swatches inglot double sparkle rainbow eyeshadows in freedom system palette

The newest lineup in the INGLOT family are the Double Sparkle Rainbow Eyeshadows ($8.00). In this collection there are 10 different shades which vary from olive, pink taupe to a beautiful lavender. Definitely something for everyone! They have three different grades of each shade, so you can use each by itself or blend all three together. They give the coverage of a matte shadow, but leave an ever so slight sparkle to make the eyes all the more dazzling. Most importantly, all skin tones can wear these colors, so no need to worry ‘bout the bling aging the eye.

makeup review swatches inglot double sparkle rainbow eyeshadows in freedom system palette

So, tell me… Are you going to be rocking a sparkling eye this holiday season? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Erin Sutera, senior writer and makeup artist

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  • Sue Robbins
    Posted at 19:06h, 27 November

    Shared! I would <3 one of these!

  • Deborah Martin
    Posted at 19:10h, 27 November

    I would have so much fun with this palette! <3

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