Makeup Review, Swatches: Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Metallic Lip Tars |

Makeup Review, Swatches: Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Metallic Lip Tars

Makeup Review, Swatches: Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Metallic Lip Tars

makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars

I do love the colors that Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC) makes! They bring out a smile in me every time I see them. But when I use the brand’s Lip Tars ($16.00), including their new hi-res Metallic Lip Tars ($16.00), then I really start to shine!

makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars
makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars

You know me, I love the holiday season and especially all of the metallic colors it brings out in beauty palettes for that extra sparkle and shine. Gold has been my go-to color for quite some time now, yet I have always been a fan of copper, rose-gold, bronze, pewter, etc.

makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars

makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars

These new Metallic Lip Tars have high-pigment opacity, and still carry an electric shimmer throughout each shade. To make the Metallic Lip Tars shimmer, OCC looked to natural foods to find a mineral derived ingredient to keep the highest opacity metallic pigments, yet keep it weightless when applied to lips.

It took three years in the making, but these new colors certainly are bolder than ever! A little goes a long way when applying, so be sure to apply the smallest bead of Metallic Lip Tars with their Precision Lip Brush (included with each Metallic Lip Tar) for an unparalleled metallic finish. Want even more shine? You can add a thin layer of OCCs Clear Lip Tar overtop!

makeup review swatches obsessive compulsive cosmetics metallic lip tars

Metallic Lip Tars are available in Iced (opaque,snow white frost), Triptych (true 24 K metallic gold), Authentic (full strength copper metallic), Electric Grandma (electrified true classic coral), Super NSFW (true red with a golden metallic flourish) and Yaoi (perfectly pink pearlescence).

Available at, and select Sephora locations nationwide. I always tell the founders, which I am sure sounds like a broken record to them that “I am down with OCC!”

So, will any of you ladies be trying these metallic lip colors? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Nicole Gordon Levine

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