(Preview) MAC Launches Prep + Prime Future Lash Length Serum | BeautyStat.com

(Preview) MAC Launches Prep + Prime Future Lash Length Serum

(Preview) MAC Launches Prep + Prime Future Lash Length Serum

Ah, lashes. They’re the biggest it thing right now. From Latisse to Talika, we’ve been covering lash serums and lash growers ad infinitum. M.A.C. is joining this lash parade by launching a permanent addition to the Prep + Prime collection with the introduction of the Future Length Lash Serum, debuting in stores July 14th.

America definitely has a Lash Mania happening now, and the Future Length Lash Serum not only coats and overs your fringes, they make them appear healthier and longer. Seriously, we cannot find anything wrong with this. This won’t interfere with makeup and makes the lashes super shiny and easy for your mascara.

It’s about time M.A.C. joined on the bandwagon re: the lash serums, and now, thank goodness, it’s happening. This will retail for $30 in the U.S.

We are so thrilled that this is finally a part of the permanent collection for several reasons: it’s affordable (one tube will last you a long time); it gives us realistic expectations (it’s not promising you the moon’s length of lashes) and it doesn’t interfere with your makeup.

This alone would totally inspired me to seize the slim tube up. How are you rocking your lashes?

To read more about M.A.C.’s latest launch, Colourizations, click here.

Charu Suri




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