Review, Before/After Photos: The Best Airbrush Makeup Systems - Is Temptu Or Dinair Better For You? |

Review, Before/After Photos: The Best Airbrush Makeup Systems – Is Temptu Or Dinair Better?

Review, Before/After Photos: The Best Airbrush Makeup Systems – Is Temptu Or Dinair Better?

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

Put away your old powder puff and foundation brush and start transitioning to today’s cosmetic airbrush systems. If you haven’t already heard of it, airbrushing is the modern method of makeup application which utilizes a highly pressurized “gun” and compressor to turn liquid foundation into a fine mist that spreads evenly on your face. With the advent of HD cameras, the regular powder-and-paint no longer works since pores and other imperfections become apparent during close-ups. Airbrushing removes this problem by giving far better coverage and results, compared to what can be done manually by hand.

In this short post, we examine the top two airbrushing systems out there today. There are a dozen other brands, of course, but why waste time on those when you can get higher quality with the top two? We break the criteria down to the airbrush, compressor, makeup, price, and unique aspects of each system so you can pick the one that suits you best. Don’t worry, we’ll also leave our recommendations at the end. Without further ado, here are Temptu and Dinair:

Temptu: The Temptingly Total Airbush Package

The Airbrush: Temptu’s airbrush gun (pictured above) stands out from the rest due to its unique design. Instead of the skinny, pencil-like airbrush that you see with other brands, Temptu uses a larger one with a hollow compartment. Rather than putting in a few drops of cosmetics like usual, you essentially insert a full 12ml “canister” of makeup into the Temptu airbrush. The company calls it “AIR pod” and – while it strays away from the norm – it’s actually quite ingenious and hassle-free. Think of it like loading shells into a shotgun — once it’s in, you just blast away!

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

The Compressor: Sleek, black, and lightweight but slightly larger than Dinair’s (the other brand discussed below). It allows for adjustable air pressure and contains a cradle on top to holster your airbrush gun.

Air pods and Before/After

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

The Makeup: Temptu offers foundations, blush, highlighters, bronzers, and tanners for their airbrush. All of them come in AIR pods to allow compatibility with their strange gun (and render them incompatible with their competitors’). The makeup formulation is currently the best on the market: a mix of silicon-based makeup minus the oils combined with a water-based formula called SilkSpheres. In their own words, SilkSpheres are “weightless and light-diffusing.” Frankly, the name sounds nothing more than a clever marketing ploy, but the results are amazing. Notice the before and after picture:

So, is the makeup silicon-based or water-based? The answer is both. You get the best of two worlds.

What’s New: Temptu now offers an AIR pod called Body Camo Leg & Body Cover ($38.00). This makeup is geared to camouflage (hence the name) ugly varicose veins, blue bruises, marks, scars, age spots, and anything else you might be embarrassed to show in public.

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

Price: Probably the cheapest package you can get is the $229.00 starter kit System & Foundation Duo composed of one Temptu AIR brush system and one 12 ml AIR pod foundation in a shade of your choosing. Additional foundation would cost you about $45.00 per pod. Find out more about the Temptu airbrush system at

Dinair: Inexpensive Yet Amazing

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

The Airbrush: The Dinair airbrush, called the Pro Dinair JX Beauty Airbrush, is your average airbrush, a far cry from Temptu’s unique design. Being a standard airbrush, this means you have to manually put in a few drops of cosmetics into the reservoir during every application. There’s nothing particularly striking with Dinair’s model that you won’t see anywhere else.

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

The Compressor: This is slightly smaller than Temptu’s compressor which means storage costs less space. There are a minimum of 4 air-speed settings you can use, and the compressor is fully customizable. That’s right: You can choose from fourteen compressor colors and even have it painted with an animal print finish (zebra stripes, anyone?). Although this adds nothing to the overall functionality of the Dinair system, having a pink, leopard-spotted compressor does add panache to your dull makeup collection.

review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

The Makeup: Dinair has quite an extensive collection of makeup options and colors. The foundation is water-based, silicon-free, paraben-free, and oil-free (and no, the makeup itself isn’t free). It comes in a matte or satin formulation in order to look as natural as possible. Dinair also has blush, eyeshadow, liners, concealers, and adjusters. A unique Dinair makeup formulation is the Face & Body Shimmer ($49.99) series which is based on opalescent colors that give you a glowing look. If you’re feeling particularly courageous, you can also go for the Dinair Fantasy ($8.00 – $20.00) series, which are special water-based formulations that are perfect for temporary body art. A couple of final cosmetic choices are the Dinair Bright ($40.00) series for hair special effects and Paramedical for those wishing to cover over bruises and scars.


review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you


review beforeafter photos the best airbrush makeup systems is temptu or dinair better for you

What’s New: Dinair has a separate tanning system called Airtan for those wanting to appear a few shades darker. However, what really take the cake are Dinair’s extensive customized airbrush packages for brides. They sell special systems like The Romantic Bride Package, The Classic Bride Package and The Natural Bride Package. Each package contains expertly handpicked shades and other items that would go well towards accomplishing that ultimate wedding look that you’re envisioning.

Price: The cheapest bundle you can get is the Personal 4 Speed kit for $159.75. This includes the Dinair airbrush system, 4 foundations, and 1 moisturizer. Additional foundation makeup costs about $16.00 per 15 ml bottle.

What’s the Verdict?

We’ve seen what each product offers, so which one should you buy? Well, it depends: Get Temptu if you desire quality above anything else (even price). The hybrid silicon-and water-based makeup that Temptu offers is bar none the best out of every makeup system out there. However, it isn’t bargain priced — a single 12ml Temptu foundation is almost three times more expensive than the same amount of makeup that you can get with Dinair. If you have deep pockets, go for Temptu, otherwise…

Get Dinair if you want a budget-friendly airbrush product that would still turn heads nonetheless. Dinair offers both the professional finish you’re looking for without hurting your wallet. It may not look as good as Temptu’s, but it comes out superior to any other airbrush system out there. Regardless of your decision, both these products are excellent, and either one would be worth the price. Airbrush makeup is here to stay, and it’s best to get on the bandwagon so you can see for yourself what a difference it’s going to make on your skin.

So, which one do you think is right for you? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Kelly Williams, editor/writer at

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    Posted at 12:52h, 30 August

    […] Reference: /makeup/review-beforeafter-photos-the-best-airbrush-makeup-systems-is-… […]

  • Davia Gorman
    Posted at 07:10h, 20 July

    I have struggled with this issue going on 2 years now!

    Honestly for those of us women who are a hard to match commercial or Over The Counter Foundation Buyer and get really ANGRY…

    The Temptu doesn’t look like a good choice…I have to usually mix 2 foundation colors to get a seamless match.

    I would be willing to take on the chance to challenge my hesitation!

  • Christie
    Posted at 13:34h, 09 February

    So could you use the Temptu foundations in the Dinair machine to get the best of both worlds seeing as Temptu’s only real positive above the others is its actual liquid and the Dinair machine only requires a few drops! (I’m sure its possible to squeeze a few drops out of the pods…)

  • Robin
    Posted at 03:11h, 10 February

    I was wondering the same Christie but then remembered I had saved an article from Pinterest that answers our question..which is yes. The site is :
    It gives a bit more info on airbrush makeup but also talks about using airbrush makeup without the gun & how to open the pods. After reading this article here on Beautystat I think this might be what I will do as I have tried 2 silicone based primers recently & had breakouts when using them. So the expensive Temptu might be a waste of money for me. At least if I get the Dinair system I can be more versitile & try different types of makeup. I could also mix colors to get the right shade as well. Also save some money & use the Temptu for those special occasions every once in a while so breakouts will be less if that happens.

  • Lah
    Posted at 07:00h, 26 May

    I’ve been using Belletto for about 2 years and no matter what it’s not easy to clean & clogs up. It’s similar to Dinair seeing how drops are placed into the cup on the gun. I’m waiting for my first Temptu machine and am hoping for a more seamless experience. Fingers crossed! I’ll send an update 😉

    One more thing is that I’ve had negative situations with self tanning airbrush applications. It’s hard to spray evenly from the airbrush and despite trying multiple times, I’ve not been successful. If you have a significant other that has an eye for spraying (airbrush), then you’re in a better position.

    I’m a single mother and couldn’t be happier with my airbrush makeup – regardless of which machine. The light feel and significant concealing has saved me time and has allowed me to feel absolutely beautiful!

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