Review, Swatches: LORAC Cosmetics Alter Ego Summer 2015 Makeup Collection |

Review, Swatches: LORAC Cosmetics Alter Ego Summer 2015 Makeup Collection

review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

Review, Swatches: LORAC Cosmetics Alter Ego Summer 2015 Makeup Collection

LORAC has always been one of my favorites, and after recently trying some of the new products from the Summer 2015 Collection, they will remain one of my top brands!

review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

The Lorac Alter Ego Highly-Pigmented Lip Glosses, ($15; at, are limited edition exclusively for Ulta. I tried three of the shades: Southern Belle (a light neutral), Heartbreaker (a bright pink), and Flower Child (a subtle peach). Below, I am wearing Heartbreaker on the outer parts of my lips and Southern Belle towards the inner part of my lips to give them a fuller appearance.

lip gloss shades colors review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collectionhighly pigmented lip gloss shades colors review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

colors shades highly pigmented lip gloss review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

I found the lip glosses to be thick, but not sticky. They are highly pigmented for a gloss, and I think my favorite is Heartbreaker. I was very impressed with the formula and the smell is absolutely amazing! The scent reminded me of vanilla cake batter. I love it!


The TANtalizer Baked Bronzer in Golden Glow, $33, has a sleek design and even contains a small brush at the bottom. This particular shade is very light and bronze with a bit of shimmer, which will give you the coveted J-Lo glow. If you have a light skin tone, this product is ideal as a bronzer.

tantalize baked bronzer review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

The Alter Ego Eyeshadow Palette in Heartbreaker, $24, gives you 10 amazing highly pigmented shades. LORAC always impresses me with the quality of their makeup, especially the eyeshadow palettes.

eyeshadow palette shades colors review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

shades colors eyeshadow palette review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

Below, I am wearing the left half of the palette on my lids: the pink and brown shade on the lid, purple blended into the crease, and brown to blend out the purple shade. Underneath my eye, I am wearing light blue towards the inner corners and the darker blue towards the outer corners. I like the fact that I can combine these shadows and get a wearable, daytime look, or I can amp it up for a dramatic evening look. Check out that blue shade! It’s a perfect way to add some color to the lower lash line for summer.

makeover review swatches lorac cosmetics alter ego summer 2015 makeup collection

If you are planning to only purchase one item from this collection, I would recommend the eyeshadow palette. Head out to your local Ulta today or browse online to check out more about this new collection.


All products are available at Ulta stores,, or

Preview: LORAC Cosmetics PRO Contour Palette For Summer, Fall 2015

Review, Photos: MAC Cosmetics Iconic Matte Lipstick, Le Disko Dazzleglass, Dazzleshadow Summer, Fall Makeup Collection

You can purchase all products reviewed and mentioned on!

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