Rimmel Glam Eyes Flirt Mascara | BeautyStat.com

Rimmel Glam Eyes Flirt Mascara

Rimmel Glam Eyes Flirt Mascara

We always get a little excited when cracking a new bottle of mascara. The possibility of achieving even longer and thicker lashes than the last bottle us gives a quite a thrill. Of course, some brands can be complete duds, leaving us with clumpy spider web eyes.

rimmel glam eyes flirt mascara

So when we snapped open Rimmel Glam Eyes Lash Flirt mascara, we were hoping to be left dazzled. Luckily, those British gals across the pond (including Kate Moss, Rimmel spokeswoman) know what they’re doing. Glam Eyes claims to give lashes that are 2 times blacker, and we were pretty impressed with the results. If you’re a fan of larger mascara wands and majorly dramatic lashes, Glam Eyes might be the perfect product to bring out the vamp in you.



1 Comment
  • LisaRN
    Posted at 18:16h, 13 October

    I’m already a fan Rimmel Glam Eyes Lash Flirt. It’s not really expensive but creates a nice look.

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