R+Co | BeautyStat.com - Part 290


I’ve long been a fan of the Alba line.  The plant-based products are 100% vegetarian and contain botanical ingredients. They do not contain meat, by-products of animal killing or cruelly-obtained animal ingredients.  They package their products sensibly & minimally and use post-consumer materials whenever possible....

Many people worry about the signs of premature aging, such as crow’s feet. These little smile lines are static wrinkles spreading out from your eyes can be a result of long-term facial expressions and tension that develops over time due to tiny muscle contractions when...

Aging skin is caused by a number of factors including the loss of the fatty tissue between your skin and muscle causing the loosening of the skin, gravity, and loss of the proteins collagen and elastin that make the face look full and firm, causing...

Why You Should Want Vitamin C for Your Skin You should want Vitamin C for your skin because of its many incredible benefits, which include giving you brighter, firmer skin while helping to both prevent and to heal those unpleasant signs of aging – fine...

Celebrity dermatologist Tina Alster has created a new serum – The A Method Pearls of Retinol (price ranging from $104-$124). This special retinol delivery system features micro-encapsulated “pearls” of All-Trans Retinol suspended in a uniquely hydrating formula while offering the concept of microdosing! The 0.5%...