Theresa Romano | - Part 33


Photo Courtesy of Slap yourself pretty! Seriously. The latest in beauty includes slapping facials. Don’t believe us, well, slap out of it! A massage parlor in San Francisco has been promoting its secret, passed-down-from-generation-to-generation facial treatment for two years. For $350, Tata of Tata...

Photo Courtesy of Here at BeautyStat, we’re pretty excited about Halloween! An excuse to dress up as someone completely different and wear over-the-top makeup and accessories? Count us in! After sent us some Halloween costume ideas with their latest LUXHAIR wig collection, we wanted...

Here at BeautyStat, we’re pretty excited about Halloween! An excuse to dress up as someone completely different and wear over-the-top makeup and accessories? Count us in! After sent us some Halloween costume ideas with their latest LUXHAIR wig collection, we wanted to create some looks...