discoloration | BeautyStat.com - Part 4


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IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye Full Coverage Anti-Aging Waterproof Concealer | $26.00 Your favorite concealer is now available in 48 shades! Cover and brighten with the coveted IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye full coverage anti-aging waterproof concealer. Developed with plastic surgeons, this award-winning...

Have you tried any products from the Bliss line? If you’ve never heard of Bliss, they were founded in 1996. The original Bliss NYC ignited a modern spa and skin revolution with ingenious products, a super-positive, never-fussy vibe, and brownies. They utilize the newest technologies...

Kat Burki is an award winning beauty brand. Described as “one of the most innovative skincare formulators of the 21st century,” Kat Burki utilizes cutting edge nutritional sciences to produce skincare products that are instantaneous, highly concentrated, and free from chemicals and unnecessary fillers. The...

  With school and college classes recently resuming, I hope you’re all back into the swing of things! Today I would like to share with you some of the “holy grail” beauty items from Stila Cosmetics. You can purchase these items on the Stila website,...