My Face Cosmetics | - Part 83


When you step into Pepper Pastor’s new hair salon, tucked away in a quiet corner of South Street Seaport on Front Street, you’ll feel as though you’ve stepped into some wing of the Metropolian Museum of Art: you’ll notice solid elevator doors with a fleur...

FROM TOWERING INK-JET BEEHIVE AND EYELINER TO STEVEN “80S” SPROUSE-IN-THE-HOUSE KOHL AND FRINGE, TO STREET-SMART LONDON NEW GOTH, BLACK IS SIMPLY BEYOND… MAC’s newest  Style Black (which hits counters later this month) is all about drama and all about the film noir effect. Definitely not...

Thuy Diep’s main request for the look of her show was that the eyeshadow be coral. Luc Bouchard for MAC Cosmetics says that “this color goes with everything in the line.” The coral eyeshadow is a custom pigment and a very strong color; “It’s creamy...