Are You Drinking Enough Water? There's An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption - Review |

Are You Drinking Enough Water? There’s An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption – Review

are you drinking enough water theres an app for that caktus launches the hug sensor wrap tracks daily water consumption review

Are You Drinking Enough Water? There’s An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption – Review

are you drinking enough water there's An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption - Review
We all know how important drinking water is for our bodies, but now there’s an app that can help make sure you’re getting the right amount of water intake on a daily basis. Caktus has launched The Hug sensor bound, which wraps around water bottles of most sizes and tracks daily water consumption. The linked mobile app uses an advanced algorithm to sort through white noise; it only records actual acts of drinking in real time and plots against self-set goals and past data.

Hydration is the human body’s single most important nutritional need, and now thanks to The
Hug, taking in the right amount of water has never been easier. Exactly how important are drinking those 8 recommended glasses of water a day?

are you drinking enough water there's An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption - Review

Dr. Gervaise Gerstner explains: “The skin is the largest organ of the body, so the body functions more efficiently when we’re well lubricated. We get dehydrated more in hot weather, long airline flights and exercising. A reminder to drink more water is a great idea! I keep a big bottle of Evian on my desk. I need to get one of these [Huggers] for my kids!” According to a 2012 Center for Disease Control study, 43% of Americans drink 4 cups of water or less a day, well under the 8 cups recommended by experts.

“As hardware developers, we like to avoid the abstract and focus on concrete solutions to essential problems,” says Caktus CEO Panu Keski-Pukkila.

“With all these socially based, trendy app concepts, it’s always hit or miss as to whether or not it catches on. We wanted to build a simple solution that could be part of the daily lives of our users and help coach them towards healthier drinking habits. But when you look at something like hydration, you realize that there is a very basic need there not being fulfilled–the most basic need, in some senses — and that’s where The Hug come in.”

Keski-Pukkila points to the growing body of research establishing the strong link between the proper daily consumption of water and everything from energy and stress levels to obesity and sleep cycles. United States First Lady Michele Obama’s Drink Up campaign is only one of a number of movements to increase education and awareness of the myriad benefits of ample hydration habits.

are you drinking enough water there's An App For That: Caktus Launches The Hug Sensor Wrap, Tracks Daily Water Consumption - Review

Water is essential to every cell and function in the human body. Drinking enough of it is the single easiest way to improve just about everything you do in the course of your daily life. And if nothing else, it’s a healthy alternative to all the bad stuff.

“We aim to change behavior and attitudes on an individual level. When you notice the difference in how you feel, the intrinsic motivation kicks in and slowly the habits change. Eventually, we want to help people change their hydration habits.”

After all, as drinking is something we do every day, whether we do it lousily or well, it has a significant impact in the long run (and also short). With the help of seed funding from a handful of investors, manufacturing guidance from Dragon Innovation and contributions from interested early adopters, The Hugalready written up in TechCrunch — is poised to revolutionize the way people approach their hydration needs.

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Are you beauties drinking enough water? Will you be adding The Hug into your daily routine?

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  • Trisha B.
    Posted at 22:35h, 22 August

    I’m not drinking enough water and think that the Hug is such a great idea! I would love one!

  • Amy D.
    Posted at 15:47h, 24 August

    I know that I haven’t been drinking enough water and with “The Hub”, it will help remind me to drink plenty of water each day. Depending on the cost (And if the app is also available for android phones….I own a Galaxy phone), I would love to get one! 🙂

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