BeautyStat Poll Results: Women's Most Beloved Weekend Beauty Routines |

BeautyStat Poll Results: Women’s Most Beloved Weekend Beauty Routines

BeautyStat Poll Results: Women’s Most Beloved Weekend Beauty Routines

Everyone loves the tail end to a grueling week, when, arguably the most fashionable thing to do is letting it all hang.

But, if you are a beauty buff, chances are that you’ll appreciate the more well-groomed, polished side of things — especially on Saturdays and Sundays. We polled our zealous readers to find out what guilty pleasure, what mask and facial ritual they all indulged in during the weekend, and the majority of answers yielded a unanimous point of view: Beauty sleep.

The other pleasurable grooming that you all enjoy doing?

– Wearing no makeup at all and letting the skin breathe (this ritual came in a close second);

– Indulging in a long bubble bath and topping this Pillow Talk experience with a delicious face mask;

– Enjoying a Sunday mani/pedi;

One zealous user was specific in her grooming regimen. “I exfoliate on Sundays and wear The Face Shop Pearl Moisture face mask while watching football.” Yet others resorted to the “kitchen beauty” treatment: “I sleep , shower and use an exfoliating face mask I make it myself (honey, olive oil and one egg).”

If you choose your beauty sleep over other activities, hats off to you! Several studies have shown that scrimping on sleep is hazardous to learning, memory and also your overall health and well being. Sleep loss can also contribute to weight gain, and who the heck needs that?

If you have specific products you use on the weekends, do share! We’re all about sharing great tips because we know you’ll have some gems to spill.

Till then, have a great week, and an extra special weekend!

Charu Suri

Poll results were gathered from data found on BeautyStat’s Facebook page

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