Dissecting a Eye Cream: Philosophy's The "Miracle Worker" Product Review | BeautyStat.com

Dissecting the $60 Eye Cream: Philosophy’s The “Miracle Worker” Product Review

Dissecting the $60 Eye Cream: Philosophy’s The “Miracle Worker” Product Review

“It all depends on what’s important to you,” Emma, the wise Philosophy consultant, explains patiently as I jiggle up and down in my seat.

“Our new Miracle Worker Miraculous Anti-Aging Eye Cream really works on more mature skin that shows more advanced signs of aging than what you’re presenting.”  Emma has a point; I’m no longer a teen, but I worry more of acne than aging.

She goes on to recommend a starter eye cream for me, Hope in a Tube.  I stop and ask her if the new Miracle Worker eye cream is really off limits for me.  After all, if it’s the latest thing in turning back the clock, using it now should prevent those advanced signs of aging the cream is supposed to treat, right?

philosophy miracle worker eye cream
Rest assured, the most recent addition to the Miracle Worker family is the very top of the line when it comes to stopping time.  The cream itself pulls the best features from each of the other products in its group.  Like the Miraculous Anti-Aging Moisturizer, it contains propanediol, a moisturizer, and it shares the same proprietary blend of peptides with the Miraculous Anti-Aging Concentrate.  I won’t bother you with the long names, but the peptides themselves help the skin produce its own collagen, which increases firmness.

The retinoid blend really steals the show, as it does in the Miraculous Anti-Aging Retinoid Pads.  The eye cream contains the same retinoid, but blends it with retinol.  The upshot:  The cream has the wrinkle-banishing power of a retinol, but gentleness of the less-strident retinoid.  That’s highlights of three facial products distilled into one eye cream.
Emma agrees that if I were really, truly distraught over the state of my under-eye skin, I would  be perfectly fine to invest in the Miraculous Anti-Aging Eye Cream and pat away wrinkles to my heart’s content.  I have a friend who’s of just such a mind.  For the life of me, I can’t spot a flaw in her under-eye area, but she insists it’s a mess of wrinkles.  Nothing is too great or too strong for her in her quest to better the crescents beneath her eyes.

The clinical data and the consumer perception both show overwhelming relief in terms of reducing both deep and fine wrinkles and restoring moisture and elasticity to the skin.  As Emma says, it all depends . . . if you prioritize your eyes, Philosophy has the product that will help you do it.
The Miracle Worker Miraculous Anti-Aging Eye Cream retails for $60 at philosophy.com, but can also be found in Sephora, Nordstrom’s, and other specialty stores.

Katharine McKenzie

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  • Valerie C.
    Posted at 22:04h, 26 January

    I use Hope in a Tube because it’s very emollient. How does this new eye cream compare? Thanks!

  • maribel
    Posted at 16:07h, 27 January

    It bit pricey for an eye cream! The review sounds promising and the line does have a good reputation for what I heard. If it does what it says than I would definitely try it! Thanks

  • nancy norby
    Posted at 21:03h, 27 January

    it’s good stuff. Almost out. worth the price !!!

  • Katharine McKenzie
    Posted at 21:25h, 27 January

    Valerie C.

    That’s a good question. The Hope in a Tube uses mineral oil and vitamins C and E to immediately hydrate the skin around eyes – it’s the ‘starter’ cream mentioned above, for the first signs of aging. The Miraculous eye cream uses different moisturizers, such as the propanediol, but it still has antioxidents, like the vitamins that are also in Hope in a Tube. The two creams use different ingredients to achieve a similar result: They soften and smoothe as soon as they make contact with the skin.

    Unlike Hope in a Tube, the Miraculous cream also has peptides and a blend of retinol and retinoids to reduce wrinkles over time – that’s why it targets skin that shows more advanced signs of aging.

    If you’re looking for a physical difference, the Hope in a Tube felt heavier, almost like a balm, while in comparison the Miraculous had a silkier, slippery quality to it.

    I hope that helps to delineate the two creams and what they offer.

  • mary rempfer
    Posted at 14:19h, 03 June

    I have been using the Miracle Eye Cream for the past 2 weeks and I have noticed my skin on the corner of my eyes and above the eyelid are very sensitive and burn when I put anything on them. But, only for a short time and they do look red and feel a little rough. I don’t know if I am using too much or if this is normal and will stop. Any suggestions from anyone? By the way, my lines around my eyes do look much better! I am 47 and live in Arizona so it was becoming a problem.

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