Giveaway: Bath & Body Works Limited Edition PocketBacs, CLEAN Anti Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Cream |

Giveaway & Review: Bath & Body Works Limited Edition PocketBacs, CLEAN Anti Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Cream

Giveaway & Review: Bath & Body Works Limited Edition PocketBacs, CLEAN Anti Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Cream

Clean hands are like Jimmy Choos: every girl wants them. Winter is the season when so many skins are desert dry and parched, so we’ve found two lovely solutions for you.

Bath & Body Works has a number of adorable limited edition PocketBac Hand Sanitizing Gels that are as efficient as they are cute. The new Limited Edition designs for all major holidays will ensure that your personal style never go out of fashion. Gosh, even your mom will be pleased with the way you’re handling your hygienic routine!

bath body works limited edition pocketbac

bath body works limited edition pocketbac

bath body works limited edition pocketbac

We are in love with the formula of honey, coconut milk, olive fruit and Tahitian Palm Milk — they leave the hands soft while banishing germs to a galaxy far, far away. Each PocketBac is only $1.50 — so why not start collecting? These bottles are true eye candy and you can station them just about anywhere: keep one on your desk, your purse, at home etc. etc.

They’re TSA friendly too.

If these adorable bottles haven’t quite hydrated your hands, why not put some CLEAN Anti-Bacterial Hand Cream on your winter shopping list too? This light, souffle-like hand cream kills 99.9% of germs and keeps your hands lady-like and thoroughly quenched. The cream is easily absorbed by the skin and it is FRAGRANCE FREE. I personally swear by it ever since it crossed my desk. There isn’t a single day that goes by without my using this hand cream, and since I don’t like conflicting or overwhelming fragrances, the “no scent” attribute really is appealing.

Think of this cream as an invisible germ shield before you put your gloves on. $10 at Sephora.

Because we love you all so much, we are giving away THREE Limited Edition PocketBacs and ONE Clean Hand Cream to a lucky winner. To enter, simply leave a comment below and tell us why you should win.

A winner will be picked within a week and shall never fall sick, ever again.

Charu Suri

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  • Ann
    Posted at 01:20h, 06 January

    I just got over a bad cold and I don’t want to get sick again. Therefore I want to have hand saniter around so I can share with my coworkers because we share the same fax and printer machine.

  • Anji Rae
    Posted at 02:33h, 06 January

    I work in the health care system and am around sick people all the time. I am constantly washing my hands, it would be nice to mix it up on my free time with these cute and nice smelling hand sanitizers!

  • Melissa O'Brien
    Posted at 02:46h, 06 January

    We dont have bath and body works in Australia. I here many great things about it and i want to try it sooooo bad

  • Amber
    Posted at 02:51h, 06 January

    I work for 8 Gastroenterologists, which is germy and “poopy” in it’s own right. We also have 40 employees and I am the ONLY one who does not have a horrible cold right now! I’ve washed my hands so often the past 2 weeks, not only are they dry and scaly, it’s also given me a rash. Bath and Body Works smells delish, and I can make everyone else at work jealous because they can’t smell! 🙂

  • Nicole
    Posted at 02:52h, 06 January


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