GIVEAWAY, FREE SAMPLES, Review, Video: Get Younger Looking Skin With Hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored |

GIVEAWAY, Review, Video: Get Younger Looking Skin With Hollywood’s Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES – Sponsored

GIVEAWAY, Review, Video: Get Younger Looking Skin With Hollywood’s Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES – Sponsored

giveaway review video get younger looking skin with hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored

There’s Nothing Like A Good Night’s Sleep! Especially If You Wake Up Looking Younger!

We all know how the effects of aging and stress can change our skin… but did you know that continuous motions, such as frowning, squinting, smiling, etc. can also cause damage? These movements “train” the face muscles to hold deep lines. Over time, this damage deepens forming wrinkles.

Well, we’ve got good news for you…there is a solution to this age-old problem…FROWNIES Wrinkle Treatment Patches. Unique to any other treatment on the market, these patches reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by aging and facial expressions, and they do it quickly, naturally, and effectively.

They have been called an “institution” in the beauty industry, created by The B&P Company over a century ago. This woman owned and operated business is still run by the same family that started the company in 1889. Today B&P Company is committed to woman’s health and beauty. It brings to market products free of synthetic preservatives and ingredients that are known to be harmful. It stands for excellence in skin care, specifically focusing on anti-aging beauty and personal wellness.

How do FROWNIES work? “FROWNIES uses natural ingredients and is strictly mechanical”, says Dr. Kathy Wright, CEO and Naturopath “…a technology that was before its time and still effective today.” It works at night, while the skin is at rest and at its most susceptible to accept treatment. It helps to reshape, reverse and prevent expression lines and wrinkles. To learn more about FROWNIES from Kathy Wright check out this video:

And just a few weeks ago on March 22nd in Delray Beach, Fla., at the Delray Beach Film Festival, the first-ever FROWNIE Award, was given to the best close-up of an actress in a film, Kashmera Shah, star of “My Bollywood Bride.” Close-ups are a sensitive part of filmmaking. Actresses have long turned to FROWNIES to help smooth out lines around eyes and mouths before those fateful close-ups.

It’s an anti-aging trick known to celebrities and make-up artists. Over the years, FROWNIES have made it to the big screen on many faces. From classic icons such as Gloria Swanson, Raquel Welsh, Glenn Close, Renee Russo and Meryl Streep — hot, trendy stars like Rashida Jones have referred to FROWNIES as their “beauty obsession”. Fashion models and award winning make-up artists have also obsessed over this special product for years.


giveaway review video get younger looking skin with hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored

giveaway review video get younger looking skin with hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored

Why shouldn’t they. It really works! It rids the face of wrinkles, by forming a support system that holds the visible layer of the skin, helping it to lay smooth and flat overnight. This allows the skin to reposition itself and become natural, relaxed and healthy-looking again. This technique is called “splinting muscles”. It uses the basic principle of fitness as it relates to the muscles of the face.

FROWNIES are made from natural, skin-friendly materials. For best results, it is recommended to use a good anti-wrinkle treatment plan with FROWNIES, such as FROWNIES Immune Shield Vitamin E Serum, Immune Perféct and Eye Gels. These products are beneficial to the skin and work together with FROWNIES to help promote healthy skin and beauty. Key ingredients are combined in a Patent Pending Proprietary delivery system which includes 17 amino acids, whole vitamin E with all four of its skin healing tocotrienols, phenols and peptides, along with water soluble melanin. The products help tighten, tone, and improve the overall texture, suppleness and radiance of the skin for a more youthful looking appearance. All of the ingredients are derived from plant sources and are completely safe and effective for aging skin care.


giveaway review video get younger looking skin with hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored

giveaway review video get younger looking skin with hollywood's Best Kept Secret: FROWNIES - Sponsored

FROWNIES Are A True Anti-Aging Skin Treatment!


They work in synergy with topical solutions to help penetrate active ingredients deep in to the layers of the skin. They can be applied to the wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyes and to crow’s feet around the corners of the eyes and mouth, as well as the fine lines that show around the lips. FROWNIES’ patches gently “re-educate” the underlying muscles to bring the skin back to a relaxed and natural appearance.

The Results…Amazing! They really work quickly… using FROWNIES every night for only 3 weeks, you can see your wrinkles diminish night after night!

The result – younger-looking, smoother skin with less fine lines and wrinkles. And with continued use, increased results can be expected. Another plus, there are no injections or harmful side-effects.

So, when you see the first sign of lines and wrinkles on your face, that’s the time to begin applying FROWNIES. You will see visible improvement overnight and with continual use, we can guarantee lasting results.

Don’t think you have to live with lines and wrinkles. FROWNIES will diminish the visible signs of aging quickly, effectively and naturally. Remember, it’s never too late!

FREE SAMPLE GIVEAWAY:  To kick start our “Friends and Family” campaign, we’re giving you an opportunity to put these exciting anti-aging products to test. *Share this post on your Facebook Wall, and leave a comment below to let us know you’ve done so by June 8th.  We’ll then enter you into a drawing to win one of our 50 Beautiful Eyes Gift Bags. It contains: A Forehead and Between Eyes Facial Patch, Under Eyes Gel Patch, Rose Water Spray and Immune Shield.

SPECIAL OFFER: And if you can’t wait to get your hands on this exciting product, take advantage of our special “Friends and Family” discount for beautystat fans and enter the code “bstat” to get 20% off  when you purchase on line at www.frownies .com by June 8th.

For more giveaways and contests, sign up for our newsletter HERE.

If you like this post, share it with your friends and give it a LIKE on Facebook.

Note: *BeautyStat and FROWNIES  reserve the right to send you information on new products and launches to the e-mail address submitted, and reserve a royalty free, irrevocable, permanent right and license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, creative derivative works from and display this submission in whole or in part, in all media (not known or later deployed) without attribution or compensation to the entrant, his/her successors and assigns or any other entity. No purchase necessary to win. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Void where prohibited. The contest is not open to employees of  FROWNIES   and Contest will begin at 12:01 am EST on Tuesday, April 10th and ends at 11:59 p.m. on June 8th. To enter, you must be a legal resident of the United States and over the age of 18. By participating in this sweepstakes, you agree to receive mailing and new offers from BeautyStat and FROWNIES


Stephanie Solorio
Abbie C
mary clay
gene david
achlee white
Deborah Curran
Janice Cash
Kim Ladehoff
Son Euvrard
Kimmy Moore
Felicia Garland
jules mcnubbin
Tamira Graham
Mary Beth
Jennifer Clay
Stacey Lynn
Tiffany Daniels
Krista N
Trisha Scott
kate bianchi
Catherina Rosevear
Kasia S.
Jamie B
sherrie passaro
Lori S
Leah Allen
Christina Parker
Lisa Breakwell
Sarah B.
Diane K.
Darlene Wetzel
amy klinebough



    Posted at 13:54h, 14 April


  • Tamira Graham
    Posted at 14:01h, 14 April

    I shared =] got my wrinkles crossed for this one!

  • Kimmy Moore
    Posted at 14:20h, 14 April

    I’m 45 and I do my best to take care of my skin. Would love to try! Shared on my personal and fan pages. 🙂

  • rajee
    Posted at 14:36h, 14 April

    love to try it

  • Reena
    Posted at 15:10h, 14 April

    Id love to try these – and so would my friends now that Ive shared the link on fb!

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