How To Fix Granny Hands: The Best Rejuvenation Treatments/Procedures For Younger Looking Hands - Smart Beauty Guide |

How To Fix Granny Hands: The Best Rejuvenation Treatments/Procedures For Younger Looking Hands – Smart Beauty Guide

How To Fix Granny Hands: The Best Rejuvenation Treatments/Procedures For Younger Looking Hands – Smart Beauty Guide

How To Fix Granny Hands: The Best Rejuvenation Treatments/Procedures For Younger Looking Hands - Smart Beauty Guide

No one wants to get old, least of all, people in the beauty industry. It’s on our minds 24/7. But we do our best to fight against the signs of aging. Sticking to a good skincare regimen is one. There’s also making sure to wear sunscreen every day and using some overnight creams with retinol. But most of the time it seems like we’re missing one very important body part that shows signs of aging the most: our hands!

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We use our hands all the time whether we’re typing, addressing people, driving, etc. We may not notice, but how many of us truly take care of our hands? With the sun always beating down on us, we sometimes forget to apply sunscreen to our face – the number one area to protect- can you imagine how easy it is to forget about our hands?

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As we age our hands become more prone to age spots and unsightly veins start popping through thin skin. Hands age faster than any other part of the body. Major contributors that cause aging hands include a loss of:

  • skin and vein wall elasticity
  • subcutaneous fat and collagen
  • water content of the tissues

There are plenty of procedures (both invasive and noninvasive) to help our hands look young and plump. Fat grafts are usually long-lasting while injections may be repeated when necessary. For age spots caused by sun exposure, laser is your best bet — DioLite and Ruby lasers target brown pigments. For an overall treatment targeting spots and wrinkles, IPL or a Fractional Laser can be used…

To find out more about hand rejuvenation procedures, go to!

Are you beauties worried about “granny hands”? Have you received any hand rejuvenation procedures before?

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1 Comment
  • Maribel
    Posted at 01:02h, 11 April

    My hands are definitely looking older by the minute OK maybe I’m being to dramatic but thats what it seems. My hands look so old and dry, I haven’t done any proffesional treatments on them because being a mom well I have to limit on what I can splurge on but I definitely would love to know an economic way I can treat and take care of my hands! Great post! Thanks

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