How To Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth & Fresh Breath: Foods, Drinks To Eat/Avoid To Get Your Best Smile: Dentist Tips |

How To Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth & Fresh Breath: Foods, Drinks To Eat/Avoid To Get Your Best Smile: Dentist Tips

how to get whiter brighter teeth fresh breath foods drinks to eat avoid to get your best smile dentist tips

How To Get Whiter, Brighter Teeth & Fresh Breath: Foods, Drinks To Eat/Avoid To Get Your Best Smile: Dentist Tips

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When prepping for that huge Valentine’s Date, you really should  give your smile the same love and care like you would in selecting that perfect outfit. So, just in time to prepare for the big holiday, we’ve consulted Celebrity Dentist Dr. Marc Lowenberg of  Lowenburg, Lituchy & Kantor, to give us the inside scoop on some need to know oral care tips.

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Keeping those pearly whites luminous and clean might be a challenge, but with these easy to remember tips and tricks, you’ll totally have that supermodel smile down pat. Plus, we’re totally loving the idea using raw vegetables to remove surface stains!


Instant Whitening Tips

  • Mix Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide and brush teeth with it to remove surface stains. Crest Whitestrips are also a good at-home option for whitening teeth in a pinch.
  • Chew raw, crunchy vegetables to help remove surface stains.
  • Wear a lip shade with blue undertones. It contracts the whiteness of teeth and makes teeth appear brighter.
  • Coat your teeth with a thin layer of Vaseline to protect prior to consuming red wine and teeth-staining foods.

how to get whiter brighter teeth fresh breath foods drinks to eatavoid to get your best smile dentist tips

And if you don’t want pesky garlic breath to scare your date away, arming yourself with some handy breath freshening tips is a good place to start. Trust us, you won’t want to skip out on any of these!

Fresher Breath

  • Use a tongue scraper to remove plaque from the fissures of the tongue.
  • Order a cocktail with vodka-it kills the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath. Hold off on a sugary mixture because it will bind into teeth and trigger odor-causing bacteria.
  • Eat parsley on a regular basis to combat bad breath that may be a result from digestion.
  • Rinse twice daily with ADA-recommended antiseptic mouth rinse.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

What is your need to know Valentine’s Day beauty secret?

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– Courtney Leiva | Follow Courtney on Twitter @CourtneyLeiva & Instagram @MissCourtneySays

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1 Comment
  • Lily de Grey
    Posted at 16:01h, 11 June

    Great article, Courtney! I’m always looking for different ways to whiten my teeth naturally. I drink coffee regularly, so you can see why it’s important that I’m keeping up with my dental health. I didn’t know that vegetables can help remove surface stains; I’ll be sure to implement them more in my diet! Thanks for the tips!

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