Facebook Guest Expert Q&A: Meet Kimberly Snyder, Author of "The Beauty Detox" (& Win a Copy of her Book) | BeautyStat.com

Facebook Guest Expert Q&A/Review: Meet Kimberly Snyder, Author of “The Beauty Detox” (& Win a Copy of her Book)

Facebook Guest Expert Q&A/Review: Meet Kimberly Snyder, Author of “The Beauty Detox” (& Win a Copy of her Book)

Readers, in case you’ve been missing our Facebook Expert Q&A session, fear not. We have been thrilled at your reader response in the past for celebrities like Ken Paves and Sam Fine. Today, at 1:30pm EST, we introduce you to celebrity nutritionist and author, Kimberly Snyder, whose book The Beauty Detox is a great addition to not only your kitchen bookshelf, but to your lifestyle.

The book’s purpose is give you foods that you can eat on your way to radiant skin, and increased energy levels. And, naturally, the body you’ve “always wanted.” During our Facebook Q&A, Kimberly will address the “inside out” approach to beauty — and this means you can ask her all your burning questions on best foods, fruits and vegetables to eat to achieve that flawless complexion.

kimberly snyder the beauty detox

The purpose of writing the book was to show consumers that while spending money on expensive creams, serums and lotions was all well and good, true beauty really comes from within. She takes the time to give readers a clear picture of WHY high-mineral fruits and vegetables is natural, and why dairy and animal protein are not easy to digest (and therefore unnecessary and unnatural to your lifestyle). The book talks about what foods to eat and what ones to avoid, the importance of enzymes and probiotics, pantry basics and beauty recipes. I have to say, I’ve made her Acai Berry Smoothie in a matter of minutes (the one with Almond Rice Milk) and it tasted delicious. I’ve also begun to see a noticeable difference in my skin and my energy levels.

Ms. Snyder has traveled the globe and visited 50 countries to study health and beauty practices around the world, and she is the point person nutritionist for several of Hollywood’s celebrities. Drew Barrymore has said, “I don’t like to diet, I like to eat right and that’s what Kim’s philosophy is all about. She’s brilliant.”

kimberly snyder and beautystat editor charu suri

Kimberly Snyder and I at a recent Book Launch. Ain’t she gorgeous?

The book is staunchly lodged in my kitchen cabinet as a great reference and recipe book. Just check our this recipe for her Glowing Green Smoothie see how easy it is to drink and eat right (you can whip the whole thing up in minutes):

1.5 cups water

1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped

3-4 stalks organic celery

0.5 head organic spinach

1 organic apple, cored and chopped

1 organic pear, cored and chopped

1/3 bunch organic cilantro (stems okay)

1/3 bunch of organic parsley (stems okay)

1 organic banana

Juice of 0.5 fresh organic lemon

Directions: Add the water and chopped head of romaine to the blender. Starting the blender on a low speed, mix until smooth. Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the celery, apple, pear, cilantro and parsley. Add the banana and lemon juice to taste.



Obviously, this a Q&A session that is simply too good to pass up, so visit BeautyStat’s FACEBOOK Page at 1:30pm EST today to welcome Kimberly and ask your questions. We are giving away three copies of her book to three lucky winners who either leave a question below, or log on to Facebook at the time.

Good luck, and here’s to healthy eating ladies!

Charu Suri

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  • Agi
    Posted at 17:45h, 20 April

    what kind of vitamins should be taken daily for women closer to 40? Also, is it true to drink luke warm water vs. cold water? It sounded odd but heard this over and over??

  • Maribel D.
    Posted at 23:32h, 20 April

    Interesting book!! I can’t wait to read it!!

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