Ivory Soap Rebrands Itself with Celebrity Melissa McCarthy As New Spokesperson | BeautyStat.com

Ivory Soap Rebrands Itself with Celebrity Melissa McCarthy As New Spokesperson

Ivory Soap Rebrands Itself with Celebrity Melissa McCarthy As New Spokesperson

Well-known for her brilliance and “no nonsense” personality in the hit film Bridesmaids, as well as for her Emmy-winning performance in the TV series Mike and Molly, actress Melissa McCarthy is now brand spokesperson for the newly-revamped Ivory brand of soap from Proctor & Gamble.

melissa mccarthy for ivory soap

“I grew up using Ivory and that smell always reminds me of when I was a kid.” McCarthy said. “As a working mom of two, I love anything that simplifies my life. So when one bar of soap can handle backyard dirt, spaghetti hands, and the unidentified crusty bits under my girls’ necks – I’m in.”

ivory soap dish featuring melissa mccarthy

McCarthy will also serve as host of the new online social community called “Soap Dish” where she will engage with women and dish about life’s simple truths. This is a place to visit, share your everyday stories and be unapologetic for who you are.

Ivory commissioned a national survey of 1,017 moms to uncover attitudes and insights surrounding the realities of her everyday life and role as wife, mother, daughter and more. Many (as many as 80%) felt motherhood is more complicated in the 21st century than it was for their own moms, but confessed they’re doing more to juggle the work/life balance better. 66 percent confessed to hiding in the bathroom for much needed “me” time.

The newly-relaunched brand has crisp new blue and white packaging but still reminds us of the old Ivory Soap. The Original scented body wash is one of my favorites because it’s fresh, crisp and clean without being overly sweet, and looks great against a white porcelain tub.

Purchase the new Ivory soaps and shower gels at drugstores everywhere, or visit https://www.pg.com for more information.

Charu Suri

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