News: Skincare Trend Review: Face Slapping Facials Treatments Gets Rid Of Wrinkles - Does It Really Work? |

News: Skincare Trend Review: Face Slapping Facial Treatments Get Rid Of Wrinkles – Does It Really Work?

News: Skincare Trend Review: Face Slapping Facial Treatments Get Rid Of Wrinkles – Does It Really Work?

news skincare trend review face slapping facials gets rid of wrinkles does it really work

Photo Courtesy of

Slap yourself pretty! Seriously. The latest in beauty includes slapping facials. Don’t believe us, well, slap out of it! A massage parlor in San Francisco has been promoting its secret, passed-down-from-generation-to-generation facial treatment for two years. For $350, Tata of Tata Massage will gladly slap those wrinkles away! According to the Huffington Post, the Bangkok native swears by the technique, claiming that is will have anyone who gets the treatment looking younger and smoothing out wrinkles in no time. The results of the face slapping facial are said to last up to six months.

Tata in mid slap, or more like punch (Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post)

If you can overcome the unique “technique” (let alone the price), the treatment is actually chemical-free! Nothing is applied to the skin, just Tata’s overzealous fists going at your face like a mound of dough.

Tata herself is one of ten licensed face-slappers in the world (the only one here in the states) who has been trained in the old Thailand face-firming tradition. The slapping increases blood flow and “smooths out” wrinkles. The Tata Massage website claims that there is absolute and instant results. This is all Tata wishes from her clients:

“If we accept to start your treatment, you need to take before and after photo, follow the store’s rules and sign your name as proof of agreeing to the results that were discussed before treatment.”

Tata also plans on starting some other slapping treatments, like ones to make you look younger, look like a certain celebrity and to charm your significant other. Face-slapping will also make its way to other areas of the body that might need a little lift, including breasts and buttocks (“butt-punching”). Think the face-slapping was harsh, think again!

If this guy can handle it, so can you! (Photo Courtesy of Huffington Post)

Would any of you lovely ladies be trying this face-slapping facial, or would you give those other areas of your body a slapping/punching lift? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Theresa Romano

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1 Comment
  • Joanna
    Posted at 13:16h, 14 November

    I honestly would not try that method at all and for that price tag haha no thank you. I have heard of the breast slapping.

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