Oasis Spa in New York City: Have You Heard of a Cool Stone Massage? | BeautyStat.com

Oasis Spa in New York City: Have You Heard of a Cool Stone Massage?

Oasis Spa in New York City: Have You Heard of a Cool Stone Massage?

You’ve likely heard of, or received, a hot stone massage, but a cool stone massage?

Although you might think a hot stone massage may be the only stone massage that is likely to soothe inflammed muscles, cold stone therapy (also known as cryotherapy) helps relieve stress and trauma and reduces anxiety. It helps calm the body down with the soothing human touch.

cold stone massage

During my massage at New York’s Oasis Day Spa, I was skeptical at first because I thought the entire treatment would be an icy process. The marble stones used in this therapy are good conductors. If you ever had a shred of a doubt whether cold stone therapy really works, Oasis’ ace masseur, Chad, dispels this.

The massage room, of course, is no different from any other massage room I’ve been to. The difference between a hot and a cold stone massage is the temperature of the stones, but also in the technique.

The stones are first placed underneath your back, underneath a towel so they are not directly in contact with your skin. Then you get a thorough, kneaded massage with stones on all your muscles that really need some good old fashioned lovin’. Truth be told, I was pretty much passed out through the entire massage because the slow, albeit cool process, was something of a lullaby in the hot summer.

After the calves, hamstrings, back and shoulders are thoroughly massaged using the cool stones, you feel refreshed, as though you’ve been lightly misted or stepped out of a boat to the Arctic zone. Not cold, just slightly chilled like a fine beverage. This is a good summer problem to have. And for only $80, this is neat deal for a 30 minute treatment.

Oasis New York has some pretty sweet treatments that are new, including a SunFX spray treatment and a hair removal service with  Rose Wu, waxer to the stars. The spa also does an “Out Call Service” where they come to you and your office. How can you pass that up between a traffic jam of meetings?

For reservations, visit www.oasisdayspanyc.com or call one of its three locations.

Have you ever received a cool stone massage? Would you prefer it over a warm stone massage? Spill your thoughts in the comments section below!

Charu Suri




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