(Review and Photos) The "Dry, Cracked Hands Files: Seed Therapeutic Hand Scrub and Healthy Hand Cream | BeautyStat.com

(Review and Photos) The “Dry, Cracked Hands Files: Seed Therapeutic Hand Scrub and Healthy Hand Cream

(Review and Photos) The “Dry, Cracked Hands Files: Seed Therapeutic Hand Scrub and Healthy Hand Cream

Do you find that your hands get dry very often? My hands are drier than the desert on a constant basis — I know this is a serious exaggeration, but this is how I feel. I’m always applying  hand cream to my palms. And I know I’m not along in this.

While several hand creams cross my desk, not all of them are created equal. For a long time, I really felt as though a hand cream is a hand cream. Not so! Some fail to deliver the proper amount of hydration, others feel too greasy, and some just don’t even do the job.

(seed’s) newTherapeutic Healthy Hand Regimen is designed for the driest of hands. Ideally, you should follow the two step process for beautiful, healthy hands. First start with the (seed) Therapeutic Hand Scrub to exfoliate your hands to prep it to absorb the Healthy Hand Cream.

seed hand cream

The Therapeutic Hand Scrub is not abrasive at all; the Healthy Hand Cream is available in several versions including a fragrance free, citrus blend or new Relaxing Lavender (which is the one I reviewed). All the ingredients are pretty much essential oils, and the cream is completely non greasy- a MAJOR plus for me.

The hand cream also features a proprietary blend of concentrated seed nutrients –hence the name of the product. Because the products are rich and concentrated, a little goes a long way. The creams also contain grape seed oil, sunflower seed oil (which has protective properties), jojoba seed oil (which repels water so it moisturizes and also holds up to frequent hand washing).

The bottom line is that what I initially thought would be a cumbersome duo is really pretty effective for dry, cracked hands. If you’ve been really iffy about what product to buy for your dry hands, you really may want to give (seed) a try. The products are available in fine retailers like Whole Foods, and also online at drugstore.com for only $5.99 to $7.99.

What is your go to hand product of choice? How do you deal with dry hands when you do chores etc.? Drop us a comment below.

Charu Suri

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  • maribel
    Posted at 03:50h, 01 September

    I also feel like my hands are just as dry like yours! They ate so dry that they crack at the knuckles. I have tried so many hand freaks that its annoying having all these hand creams and nothing is helping my hands. The most expensive one I own cost me 20$ and it didn’t go much. Will these products help? Who knows. It wouldn’t hurt to try them the prices are reasonable. Great review! Thanks

  • alecia
    Posted at 19:16h, 01 September

    have the hand cream would love the whole regimen, thanks!

  • Charu
    Posted at 15:11h, 03 September

    Alecia, unfortunately this is not a contest but stay tuned for more!

  • Charu
    Posted at 15:13h, 03 September

    Maribel, the truth is I’ve tried so many hand creams– not all work. These really do! I was a bit hesitant about the dual regimen but it works. The exfoliant is the key.

  • Stacey K
    Posted at 05:45h, 05 November

    My husband’s hands get so dry in the winter that they crack and bleed. He does not like anything scented or greasy, so I bought for him the Holistic Honey Lotion from Made from Earth. This lotion works wonders! He was very impressed. His hands are in great shape this winter thanks to this hand cream.

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