Review: Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL® Eye Mask How To Treat/Relieve Common Ailments: Dryness, Puffy Eyes, Headaches, Sinus Discomfort |

Review: Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL® Eye Mask How To Treat/Relieve Common Ailments: Dryness, Puffy Eyes, Headaches, Sinus Discomfort

review bausch + lomb thera°pearl® eye mask how to treat relieve common ailments dryness puffy eyes headaches sinus discomfort

Review: Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL® Eye Mask How To Treat/Relieve Common Ailments: Dryness, Puffy Eyes, Headaches, Sinus Discomfort

Review: Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL® Eye Mask How To Treat/Relieve Common Ailments: Dryness, Puffy Eyes, Headaches, Sinus Discomfort

Do you gals suffer from bad sinus headaches? Hangovers? Dry or puffy eyes? Well, you can relax. Bausch + Lomb has the THERA°PEARL® Eye Mask to help relieve common eye ailments like dry eye, sinuses, swelling and headaches. The mask delivers consistent hot or cold therapy for about 20-minutes.

review bausch + lomb thera°pearl® eye mask how to treatrelieve common ailments dryness puffy eyes headaches sinus discomfort

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Unlike most packs, this one conforms to your face so it feels like one with the skin. Not like it’s just latched on à la the facehugger from Alien.

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If you are to use this cold, put it in the freezer for at least 2-hours; if you desire some hot therapy (which has been shown to help loosen meibum, the oily secretion from the glands that line the eyelid and works to protect the eye’s tear film by preventing evaporation of tears), put it in the microwave for a few seconds until your desired temperature is achieved for a soothing rather than scalding spa-like experience. If you’re looking for a face mask that works, why not give this one from Bausch + Lomb a try. What do you have to loose? Pain?

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

Do you beauties use hot/cold face masks? Do you also suffer from dry eye and other eye ailments?

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– Erin Sutera, Senior Editor & Makeup Artist | Follow Erin on Twitter @erinlee24

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