Review, Ingredients: TATCHA Skincare - Japanese Geisha Secrets - Oil Cleanser, Moisturizer, Eye Cream, Facial Mist, Gel Mask |

Review, Ingredients: TATCHA Skincare – Japanese Geisha Secrets – Oil Cleanser, Moisturizer, Eye Cream, Facial Mist, Gel Mask

Review, Ingredients: TATCHA Skincare – Japanese Geisha Secrets – Oil Cleanser, Moisturizer, Eye Cream, Facial Mist, Gel Mask

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Pristine, smooth, clear skin is what I strive and work hard for. I have always admired flawless skin, especially those of the Japanese Geisha. Imagine: skin that looks so immaculate, age seems to not have struck its ugly hand. With TATCHA, the secrets of the geisha’s skincare can now be yours.

Founded by Victoria Tsai, she traveled to Japan to uncover the much coveted regimen of the geisha — a process that has been heavily coveted and shared by word-of-mouth for over 300 years.

It wasn’t until during Victoria’s travels did she find a break-through discovery: “As she began to immerse herself in Japan’s culture, Victoria unearthed a 200-year-old beauty manuscript. On its ancient pages, she rediscovered the geisha’s coveted daily regimen. Moved and inspired, Victoria founded TATCHA as a way to share these timeless secrets with the modern world.”

TATCHA uses high-quality ingredients including the most precious green teas, Okinawa red algae, rice bran, pearl,  silk, camellia flower and other time-tested ingredients. I was sent over some samples including the Revitalizing Eye Cream, Renewel Face Cream, Cleansing Oil and full-sized samples of the Dewy Face Mist and Lifting Mask.

Here are some of TATCHA’s essential ingredients:

HADASEI-3 Bioactive Complex — a proprietary anti-aging complex of:

Green Tea Complete DNA Extract—extremely rich in EGCG, 14 times more potent than traditional green tea extracts and 5 times more potent than Vitamin C in protecting against UV-induced oxidative damage, which is a leading contributor to premature skin aging.

Okinawa Red Algae Extract — a vital source of Beterhelin, a natural polysaccharide proven to enhance the skin’s barrier function for long lasting moisture retention and texture improvement.

Japanese Rice Bran Extract — prized for centuries as a rich source of inositol, a multitasking active which is at once a powerful anti-oxidant and nourishing moisturizer.

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

My adorable samples

An 8-week independent clinical study showed more youthful-looking skin with daily use of TATCHA‘s 4-step ritual:

• 70% decrease in pore size

• 60% decrease in depth of wrinkles

• 50% reduction in age spots and redness

• 155% increase in moisturization

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Ageless Enriching Renewel Cream ($185.00):

A rich, emollient, non-oily facial cream that helps against winter’s drying and harsh effects. As described on the site, “The effective formula harnesses proven ingredients that work in harmony to promote microcirculation, preventing and reversing the signs of premature aging.” I really loved how it felt on my skin: moisturizing and rich, without being too heavy — and it left a nice gleaming, dewy effect on my skin.

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Top: Face Cream; Bottom: Eye Cream

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Ageless Revitalizing Eye Cream ($135.00):

This eye cream “nourishes and purifies skin, resulting in a decreased appearance of puffiness, dark circles, and eye spots.” This really got the job done! I usually suffer from dry under eye skin (and dark circles), but this eye cream moisturized effectively and left the skin almost plump-looking and bright — fine lines were diminished instantly! I am obsessed with banishing crow’s feet, so the more moisture I put onto my eye area the better!

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil ($48.00):

Ideal for all skin types, this cleansing oil does not contain mineral oil, and no double cleansing is required. “A beautiful blend of camellia and rice bran oils melts away even water-proof makeup, leaving skin fresh and pure.” My skin didn’t feel tight afterwards, and I really did feel like I got a super-clean wash.

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Luminous Dewy Skin Mist ($48.00):

First off, let me just say what beautiful packaging! I love spraying on a facial mist throughout the day, especially to help set my makeup and not make it look too cakey. This mist is more of milky emulsion with ingredients such as squalane, red algae and HADASEI-3 bioactive complex, which helps to soothe and hydrate, resulting in dewy, luminous, replenished skin. It has a woody scent to it, almost herbal, but it is a scent that you get used to that won’t leave a lingering aroma on your skin.

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

review ingredients tatcha skincare japanese geisha secrets oil cleanser moisturizer eye cream facial mist gel mask

Luminous Deep Hydration Lifting Mask ($28.00 for 1):

This facial mask yields noticeably more luminous, smooth, replenished looking skin within minutes. The structure of the gel-mask is derived from coconut, forming a barrier on the skin so its rich serum is absorbed completely and effectively. This mask is non-irritating and has a relaxing, cooling, tingling effect on the skin. Make sure when finished using the mask to rub the extra essence into your skin.

You can find all of these products and more at!

What do you lovely ladies think of this skincare line? Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to check out our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat!

– Theresa Romano

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  • Deborah Martin
    Posted at 03:23h, 15 February

    Would love to try them.

  • Philip Hernandez
    Posted at 00:09h, 16 February

    The packaging for that mist is gorgeous! I think that justifies the price for me ^-^

  • Jackie B
    Posted at 03:28h, 16 February

    Wow these all sound amazing!! I always try to take care of my skin but it has never had the beautiful flawless look all us women and men strive for. If they weren’t so expensive I would love to give these product a try,they sound promising!!

  • Marja Wouters
    Posted at 20:59h, 10 September

    Recently purchased the sampler set from the TATCHA website. What struck me immediately upon opening the package was the most perfect eye for detail, in every way. Also, a personalized note came along, which made me feel special. I did like the feel of the Camelia Oil Cleanser but since I do not wear make up very often it felt like a unneeded step for me. In the sampler set were both the sensitive plus the deep exfoliation. Liked both with a slight preference for the Sensitive. They left my skin soooo smooth, baby smooth and without the unpleasant and abrasive feeling most chemical exfoliators have. The Silk cream felt lovely but, probably due to my combination skin, like too much. The product didn’t sink in so a lot is left on my pillow cushion. I wanted to try the brightening serum, but on the INCI List I spotted Alcohol as ingredient, which is not good for skin.

    All in all, I would really like to continue using TATCHA products, but do not have the financials at the moment needed for that.

    So yes, I would love to win!

    Kindest from Marja

  • Barbara
    Posted at 23:27h, 05 January

    Although these products sound lovely, my concern is the amount of radioactivity in the oceans surrounding Japan (and beyond) after the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and resulting leak (in the beginning ranked a high 7- meaning severe damage and danger, now astronomically higher) caused to the nuclear reactor in Fukushima. Radioactive debris is STILL washing up on our U.S. shores, so why would we believe that Red Algae from Okinawa is safe? And what about Japanese Rice Bran Extract? What part of Japan is this rice grown? We don’t know, do we?

    I personally would never take the risk of exposing myself to potentially devastating radioactive products in the name of beauty, and neither should anyone else. At least until it is proven 100% that these ingredients are indeed free from radioactivity. Here’s a snipet of an article that, in my opinion, is a MUST read:

    “Those who still say that the Chernobyl disaster was worse than Fukushima may also want to consider that a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution study conducted in October 2011 concluded that Fukushima had already released up to 100 times more radiation into the environment than Chernobyl at that time. Today, this amount is likely astronomically higher, especially when you take into account all the airborne radioactive plumes that have been detected billowing across the ocean and over U.S. soil.”

    Listen, if there is “AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE PLUMES BILLOWING ACROSS THE OCEAN AND >>>U.S. SOIL<<<, then we certainly cannot trust the safety of ANY products coming from Japan.

    Please feel free to read the entire story below:

    As cleanup crews gear themselves up to begin the treacherous task of removing 400 tons of spent fuel from the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 4 in the coming weeks, reports continue to flood in showing that radiation from the stricken plant is still causing major environmental damage all over the world.

    Particularly on the West Coast of the U.S., a multitude of strange animal deaths, high radiation readings and other recent anomalies suggest that the Fukushima disaster is far from over. It is simply ludicrous, in other words, for anyone to suggest at this point that these Fukushima woes are dwindling, as fresh evidence suggests that quite the opposite is true.

    A recent report by Michael Snyder over at highlights 28 signs that the U.S. West Coast is still being torn up by nuclear radiation from Fukushima. Many of these signs include strange illnesses and mass deaths among sea creatures and other animals, as well as high radiation readings from dozens of monitoring stations.

    “Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean,” writes Snyder about this one major sign. “That means that the total amount of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.”
    Radioactive debris mass the size of California still impacting West Coast

    Another obvious sign is the recent mass migration of radioactive debris the size of California across the Pacific Ocean. BBC News in the U.K. reported last year that literally millions of tons of radioactive debris had begun traveling across the Pacific Ocean, and that some of it had already impacted Hawaii and even the West Coast.

    There has also been a series of strange animal deaths recently, including masses of sea lions, sockeye salmon and other sea creatures washing up on the shore. Many of the polar bears, seals and walruses observed along the Alaska coastline have also been found to have major fur loss and open sores, both of which are indicative of radiation poisoning.

    Then we have the scientific reports that claim radioactive water will continue to impact the U.S. West Coast for many years to come, potentially doubling in strength over the next five or six years. Plankton, bluefin tuna and other sea life collected between Hawaii and California are already testing high for radiation, and these levels are expected to continue increasing.

    “Look at what’s going on now: They’re dumping huge amounts of radioactivity into the ocean — no one expected that in 2011,” stated Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California-Santa Cruz recently to Global Security Newswire. “We could have large numbers of cancer from ingestion of fish.”
    Initial Fukushima radiation release more than 100 times larger than Chernobyl, confirms study

    There will most certainly be a major uptick in cancer rates due to the Fukushima incident, as the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute estimates that some 60 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium and strontium are being dumped into the Pacific Ocean every single day. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) also admits that as much as 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have been released into the Pacific since the disaster began.

    Those who still say that the Chernobyl disaster was worse than Fukushima may also want to consider that a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution study conducted in October 2011 concluded that Fukushima had already released up to 100 times more radiation into the environment than Chernobyl at that time. Today, this amount is likely astronomically higher, especially when you take into account all the airborne radioactive plumes that have been detected billowing across the ocean and over U.S. soil.

    Be sure to read Snyder’s full report here:

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