Review: Murad Overnight Soothing Gel - How To Treat, Red, Irritated, Sunburned Facial Skin |

Review: Murad Overnight Soothing Gel – How To Treat, Red, Irritated, Sunburned Facial Skin

Review: Murad Overnight Soothing Gel – How To Treat, Red, Irritated, Sunburned Facial Skin

review murad overnight soothing gel how to treat red irritated sunburned facial skin

Most of us have suffered from a pimple that has been very red and painful, or perhaps even been sunburned to the point of being uncomfortable. Murad has produced a product that has been formulated to counteract that redness and soothe angry, irritated skin.

I had the pleasure of testing out this new product by Murad called Overnight Soothing Gel ($30.00), which is specially designed for red, irritated skin. It claims to work overnight to reduce skin tenderness and discomfort as well as to calm and cool aggravated skin.

The product itself has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients in it, so it’s perfect to put on your skin right before bed so that it has all night to work on improving redness and any other irritations. It is recommended to use this product 2-3 times a week on a clean face. The product comes in an easy-to-use squeeze tube with a cap that snaps shut tightly. The product itself is of gel-like consistency, and has a bluish tint to it; it is not sticky or uncomfortable on the skin. It doesn’t have a very strong smell but is a little bit on the minty side (this is not a bad thing by any means). It’s not too thick or too thin, but smoothes over the skin with ease. It dries relatively fast and does not leave your skin feeling greasy or sticky. It also did not affect my very sensitive, acne-prone skin. The product has a cooling effect which is absolutely amazing for sunburned skin!

review murad overnight soothing gel how to treat red irritated sunburned facial skin

review murad overnight soothing gel how to treat red irritated sunburned facial skin

Let’s talk about the claims that this product makes: The day before I received it in the mail, I attended a car show event here in Detroit, and thus being outside for hours all day long on a hot summer day, I did become quite sunburned on my chest and shoulders, and a little on my face.

As soon as I opened the package and saw what this product was, I immediately placed it onto my skin. Instantly, I felt relief as it cooled my skin down a bit. I noticed that I did not peel at all when using this product, and the redness faded away at least five times faster than it would have if I had just let the sunburn be. I would say this product gets 5 stars for how it treated my sunburn. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who gets sunburned — it works way better than aloe vera gel! I will also keep this on hand for my children.

Now, as I used this on new blemishes, I did not notice that it did too much for the redness initially. I would say that it helped to diminish the redness over time, but it worked much more quickly on my sunburn. I did notice that the packaging said this was Step 2: Treat & Repair, so I wonder if this product would work better on acne if you had used it with the rest of the line.

Overall, I am very impressed with this product, especially when it came to its application for sunburned skin. However, it did not work for me when it came to acne, but then again I have very sensitive, acne-prone skin as I have mentioned earlier. Perhaps for someone who gets an occasional blemish here or there it would work much better on their skin type. I would recommend this product and purchase this product for future use, especially when it comes to soothing a sunburn.

So, what do you lovely readers think of this soothing gel? Do you think it’d work better for your acne or sunburn? Let us know by commenting below, which will automatically be posted to our Community Forum (click here to check it out!) where you can find other beauty related discussions! Don’t forget to also submit a photo to our Photo Of The Day (click here!) feature, where a new photo will be picked daily. Your photo just might be selected, so get going!

– Dawn Santamarina, check out Dawn’s YouTube beauty channel here!

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