Review, Photos: Specific Beauty Exfoliating Cleansing Cloths Skincare For Women of Color |

Review, Photos: Specific Beauty Exfoliating Cleansing Cloths – Skincare For Women Of Color

Review, Photos: Specific Beauty Exfoliating Cleansing Cloths – Skincare For Women Of Color

Attention ladies of color!  Have you heard about the new skincare line called Specific Beauty?  Well, it was created by board certified dermatologist, Dr. Heather Whoolery-Lloyd, specifically for women with multi-hued skin tones.  This regimen contains products that are  formulated to be used together so the final results are benefits that are clearly visible. When used as directed, the Specific Beauty regimen will result in a more even skin tone, improved skin texture and leaves skin hydrated, brighter and more radiant.

review photos specific beauty exfoliating cleansing cloths

As we are continuing to evaluate the rest of the products in the line, I wanted to share a review of Specific Beauty’s Exfoliating Cleansing Clothsfirst.  These cleansing cloths are dual-sided.  One side contains textured beads for exfoliation and the other is smooth for easy and gentle makeup removal including eye makeup.

review photos specific beauty exfoliating cleansing cloths




I’ve had a few bad experiences with cleansing cloths in the past, as some have left my skin feeling too dry and and others have irritated my eyes. This is very unpleasant given that I wear a lot of eye makeup. So I really need a non-irritating cleanser to remove my eye makeup.  Good news.  These were indeed very gentle. They removed my eye make up completely, and also left my skin feeling very clean, which is extremely important to me before I go to bed. The only negative is that I had a little trouble opening and closing the plastic seal.  All in all, I recommend these cleansing cloths because they are quick, easy, convenient and most of all gentle.  They retail for $6.99 and can be found at your local drug store.So ladies, what cleansers or makeup removers are you using?  Post a comment below.

–  Jessica Washington

And if you’re looking for some help finding makeup that matches your skin tone, check out some tips from our interview with celebrity makeup artist, Sam Fine.



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  • maribel
    Posted at 17:31h, 27 September

    I use Neutrogena oil free eye makeup remover. It gentle, not oily and it does a great job removing my eye makeup without to much tugging. For my face wash I use neutrogena naturals facial cleanser. It’s very gentle and it cleans my face without so much effort. These are great products. Great review! Thanks

  • Johanna
    Posted at 13:53h, 31 January

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  • Pingback:Pictures Eye Make Up : Improve Eyesight Without Glasses
    Posted at 18:16h, 02 September

    […] 10.Review, Photos: Specific Beauty Exfoliating Cleansing Cloths … 25 September 2011 162 views 2 Comments … I’ve had a few bad experiences with cleansing cloths in the past, as some have left my skin feeling too dry and and others have … This is very unpleasant given that I wear a lot of eye makeup. /skincare/review-photos-specific-beauty-exfoliating-cleansing-cloths/ […]

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