The Best Beauty & Skincare Tips For Summer - What Foods To Eat, Products To Use |

The Best Beauty & Skincare Tips For Summer – What Foods To Eat, Products To Use

the best beauty skincare tips for summer what foods to eat products to use

The Best Beauty & Skincare Tips For Summer – What Foods To Eat, Products To Use

Jelena Ley Petkovic, the new addition to the medical team at Miami Beach Plastic Surgery Center & Medspa practice, is a board-certified Physician’s Assistant and Health & Beauty expert specializing in anti-aging treatments, nutrition, wellness, holistic medicine and skin care. Below, she shares with us a few of her great summer skincare tips.

Detox Your Beauty Bag

Those beneficial winter and spring ingredients may now put you at risk for skin problems during the summer season.

  •  Throw out any products containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Retinoic Acid or citrus extracts. These products might be helpful when rejuvenating sun damaged skin but they become questionable during warmer months and can predispose you to sun damage.
  • Stop using sunscreen that is more than 6 months old!

the best beauty skincare tips for summer what foods to eat products to use

  • Older sunscreens can accumulate toxic metabolites called nitrosamines with effects on skin including stress and aging.


Nourish Skin With Photo-Protective Foods & Supplements

  • Mix in some carotenoids such as B-Carotene, a strong agent to prevent UV effects.  B-Carotene is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, mangos and papayas.

the best beauty skincare tips for summer what foods to eat products to use

  • Make sure you are getting appropriate levels of Vitamin C and E.
  • Add a probiotic food or supplement to your diet such as yogurt, kombucha, or raw cheese.
  • Supercharge your skin with foods high in Flavonoid plant antioxidants such as green tea, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, apples and oranges to protect your skin from aging and cancer-causing UVA radiation.

the best beauty skincare tips for summer what foods to eat products to use

  Summer Essentials 2015, 2016: Best Makeup, Skincare, Hair & Sunscreen Products For Memorial Day, 4th Of July, Labor Day Weekend

Review, B/A Photos, Swatches: Ambi Skincare Even & Clear CC+ Even Tone SPF 30 Cream

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items at

What are your best summer skincare tips?

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to follow us on our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @BeautyStat! #bstat

– Allycia Wilson, Managing Editor

You can follow Allycia on Instagram and Twitter @lisalacquer

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