Tips to Prime Your Skin for Winter |

Tips to Prime Your Skin for Winter

Tips to Prime Your Skin for Winter

Snow has officially crept into the weather forecast, and with the colder conditions comes a change in strategy for keeping skin healthy and hydrated.  Terese Linke, Global Education and Spa Training Director for Primavera natural skin care, shares her words of wisdom for tending to winter skin.  The line recently made its U.S. debut from Germany.

Maximize efficacy:  After cleansing, mist the face and decollete before using a moisturizer to condition the skin for optimal moisture penetration.

Massage gently: Warm moisturizers in the hands first, and then press into the skin.  This avoids the pulling (read aging) effect of rubbing.  Primavera’s Moisturizing Replenishing Cream includes organic fig oil to help prevent premature signs of aging due to dehydration.

Feed the face: When applying a mask, prep the face with a Seed Oil Capsule – it will feed the skin with essential fatty acids that will leave it soft, clear and radiant.  Find one that will help nourish the skin, and also help reduce broken capillaries and promote cell renewal.

Look beyond the Java Jolt:  After applying your eye cream. use the back side of a small espresso spoon and wipe under the eyes three times.  This will leave the eyes feeling cool, refreshed, and awake for hours – ready to take on the day (and the snow).

What are your tips for priming the skin for winter care? For more winter skin tips, click here. 

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  • JoJo
    Posted at 17:27h, 12 November

    Great tips! I definitely can use it

  • Amoni
    Posted at 04:44h, 13 November

    I really appreciate this post. i dislike when i apply my moisturizer and my face looks dry I will try misting my skin and warming the moisturizer before applying. I will also prep my face before a mask, i usually do that to my hands (a trick i learned from Mary Kay).

  • wendy
    Posted at 16:07h, 14 November

    As the temp drops, the heat goes on inside and literally saps the moisture right out of your skin. The hot-to-cold transition from inside to outside doesn’t help either. For severe dryness relief initially, try a little Neosporin, Aquaphor, or Vaseline. I don’t like how the latter two grease up your face though, so for a more long term (winter) fix you should invest in just about any thick, creamy, moisturizer; 99% of these are sold in fat little tubs vs. stand-up pumps (which tend to be thinner moisturizers). I could go on and on! I just did a blog post on this in fact so if you’re looking for product, recs, definitely check it out. Cetaphil, Fresh’s Soy Cleanser, and the classic line from Mary Kay are a few favorites for winter, but you can also add a fish oil supplement to your diet and try using a humidifier in your home to combat dry skin, and swapping out powder makeup for creamier forulas in the winter!

  • Issac Shepherd
    Posted at 01:44h, 21 February

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

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