Keats Yourself: Poetry Bath Intimate Rituals |

Keats Yourself: Poetry Bath Intimate Rituals

Keats Yourself: Poetry Bath Intimate Rituals

The frantic pace of life in the 21st century leaves the modern woman yearning for a little old-fashioned idealistic relaxation in the shadow of the Romantic poets. Perhaps your knowledge of the era ends with a few Kleenex-riddled viewings of Bright Star, or you may debate with gusto the merits of Lord Byron versus Percy Shelley. Despite these differences of involvement with wordsmiths of the Victorian era, we can all agree that they traded on luxury – that is, the luxury of language. Read a little Keats to illuminate the idea; he and his comrades took all the time they needed to find and arrange the choicest words for the perfect effect.

We don’t each have our own personal muse, but we do have Poetry Intimate Ritual, a company with a line of products designed to help the harried re-create an oasis of luxury at home. So far, ritual includes candles, bath salts, scrubs, body crème, and body oil in two scents. The cleverly named Verse 1 warms up citrus notes with sandalwood and jasmine, while Verse 2 uses the crisp notes of mint, balsam, and grapefruit. The body crème version of Verse 2 contains efficient ingredients like avocado, grapeseed, and soy bean oil as well as shea and cocoa butter to pamper skin beyond imparting a wonderful green scent, but having a clean-burning soy candle in the matching scent seems like pure decadence.

Just a few deep breaths of the layers of notes makes the most hectic workweek ahead seem manageable. In the name of a better home spa experience, Tammy Parker, the company’s founder, generously directs customers to, a site that includes a bevy of helpful tips for relaxation at home, as well as several recipes for masks and treatments for the adventurous and budget-conscious. By keeping the focus on quality, Parker and her company have come as close to distilling poetry into a personal beauty ritual as possible.

The collection retails for $8 – $135 at

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Katharine McKenzie



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