Review, Before/After, Photos: Beachwaver S1.25, S.75 Curling Iron, How It Works |

Review, Before/After, Photos: Beachwaver S1.25, S.75 Curling Iron, How It Works

Review, Before/After, Photos: Beachwaver S1.25, S.75 Curling Iron, How It Works

I recently attended a launch event for the new Beachwaver S1.25 and Beachwaver S.75. Both are rotating curling irons that create different sized waves. I was not initially familiar with Beachwaver (I must have been hiding under a rock!) The amazing woman behind the brand, Sarah Potempa, has been styling hair for magazines, movies, celebrities, and even the President of the US.

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

In 2010, she founded the Beachwaver to help us all achieve those bouncy, beachy curls. She envisioned an easier method and the Beachwaver iron was born.  This iron was the first ever rotating curling iron. Its inception was the hard work of Sarah and her sisters researching for 2 years to launch the first one in 2012.  Now 4 years later, Sarah has a line of hair tools that help make the everyday woman a maven in the hairstyling department. The iron was such a hit, they even used it as the tool of choice at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in 2015.

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

review beforeafter photos beachwaver s125 s75 curling iron how it works

At the event, I had the opportunity to have my hair styled using the Beachwaver iron. I was very impressed with it! I felt that it was a great new innovative design for a curling iron; very simple to use.

See video below on how to use the Beachwaver PRO Rotating Curling Iron!

For more information, visit

Review, Before/After Photos: Beachwaver S1 Rotating Hair Curling Iron – How It Works

You can purchase all reviewed and mentions products at

Are you ready for beachy curls with Beachwaver?

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– Deanna Perl | Follow Deanna on Twitter @DEANNAWAWA

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