Free Sample Giveaway Review, Video, Exclusive Photos: Michelle Phan For Lancome "Glamour Eyes" - Exclusively At Sephora |

Free Sample Giveaway: Review, Video, Exclusive Photos: Michelle Phan For Lancome “Glamour Eyes” – Exclusively At Sephora

Free Sample Giveaway: Review, Video, Exclusive Photos: Michelle Phan For Lancome “Glamour Eyes” – Exclusively At Sephora

Meeting the YouTube sensation, Michelle Phan,  in person was deliciously cool. Her sunny demeanor and flawless skin prompted me to ask so many beauty questions, but there wasn’t enough time to ask them all. I had become a such a big fan because of her unique ability to create such beautiful, diverse beauty looks.

review video exclusive photos michelle phan for lancome glamour eyes exclusively at sephora

BeautyStat editor, Nicole Levine with Michelle Phan

Michelle is like a chameleon, able to create any look on herself and seem unrecognizable at times. She made such a name for herself that she has over 500 million views on YouTube. Michelle has more subscribers than Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift combined! Her DIY tutorials are phenomenal to watch as she usually starts bare-faced and takes you through every step of the way until she gives you the finished look. Amazing!

review video exclusive photos michelle phan for lancome glamour eyes exclusively at sephora

With that being said, it was a treat to meet her at Sephora as she debuted her “Glamour Eyes” set, exclusively made by Sephora and brought to you by Lancôme. The exclusive set that retails for $ 59.50 ($96. Value) features everything you’d need to create a daytime into night time look. Along with Lancôme favorites Artliner and Hypnose Drama Mascara, you get a new color design 5 pan palette called Chic by Chelle, which was both created and named by Michelle herself. When I asked her the inspiration behind this collaboration she noted that this palette was created for both a day time look and was also able to transform into a night time look by layering on the colors and adding the liner and mascara for a more dramatic look. She herself wore the palette on the night of its debut and did not look overdone at all. Her skin was flawless and she used the lighter colors from the palette on the tops of her lids and a bit of the purple along her bottom lash line. She also said that purple was a huge fan favorite color and she really listens to what her fans like and react well to. She said that makeup is the armor that women put on each day to make us feel empowered. She wished she had all of what’s available now via social networking when she first started to experiment with makeup. I’d say she has made her mark on the cosmetic industry and hope that she launches her own line someday as she does not follow trends, but is a true trendsetter.

To celebrate the launch, Michelle filmed a video where she created three stunning unique looks all using Glamour Eyes. Natural, Smoldering and Diva can be seen by clicking above.

review video exclusive photos michelle phan for lancome glamour eyes exclusively at sephora

Michelle Phan autograph copy

It’s a must-see video for a must-have set! I bought it and was the first in line to have her sign it!

GIVEAWAY:  You’re in luck!  We’re giving away a kit to ONE lucky winner.  Simply give us a LIKE on Facebook by clicking….> HERE!  And then post a comment on our Facebook wall to let us know that you’ve done so (If you’re already a fan, then INVITE your friends to become BeautyStat fans in order to become eligible).  A winner will be chosen by random this Friday at 12, NOON EST  (US only please – we apologize to our International fans).

WE HAVE A WINNER!  Congratulations Kristi Odums for winning this fabulous kit.  Enjoy!

And check out our Before & After photos of the Lancome Hypnose Doll Lashes Mascara HERE. And check out Lancome’s Spring 2012 Makeup collection HERE.

– Nicole Gordon Levine

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  • Christy Cheung
    Posted at 15:55h, 17 January

    i entered, i love this very much ~ because i want it to help my black circle eye , how well of this set , but i must enjoy it ^^

  • phanfan#1
    Posted at 01:52h, 19 January

    L-O-V-E T-H-A-T K-I-T-!-!-!-<3-<3
    TAMI <3

  • Katy
    Posted at 00:30h, 22 January

    I’ve never EVER really worn makeup before. Like yah i use chapstick but not real makeup. I’d love it if lancome was the first thing ive ever worn on my face. it’d be like amazing. I mean my first wish of going to hogwarts was a total dream-killer, but I just might have a chance with Lancome.

  • Kali
    Posted at 00:36h, 22 January

    Plus, most people at my school are like fashion divas. Most arrive beautiful and seem just SO confident at school. They seem so happy about themselves and i’d love to know how that feels. Feeling confident and happy about themselves. Not even worrying how they look. I’d love to be like MIchelle in the way she glows with pure confidence and style. It’d be utterly wonderful to win this. And This is something I might have a chance at accomplishing. Thank You for hosting this contest.

  • Katy
    Posted at 00:38h, 22 January

    I really want to win

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